Complex Systems and Data Science | University of São Paulo
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Publications classified by subject area
Complex Systems and Networks
Francisco A. Rodrigues, Thomas Peron, Colm Connaughton, and Yamir Moreno A machine learning approach to predicting dynamical observables from network structure Proceedings of the Royal Society A: Mathematical and Physical Sciences, accepted (2024). Preprint: arXiv
Ginestra Bianconi, Alex Arenas, Jacob Biamonte, Lincoln D. Carr, Byungnam Kahng, Janos Kertesz, Jürgen Kurths, Linyuan Lü, Cristina Masoller, Adilson E. Motter, Matjaz Perc, Filippo Radicchi, Ramakrishna Ramaswamy, Francisco A. Rodrigues, Marta Sales-Pardo, Maxi San Miguel, Stefan Thurner, Taha Yasseri Complex systems in the spotlight: next steps after the 2021 Nobel Prize in Physics Journal of Physics: Complexity, 4, 010201 (2023). Link to publication (Open Access)
Cesar H. Comin, Thomas K. DM. Peron, Filipi N. Silva, Diego R. Amancio, Francisco A. Rodrigues, Luciano da F. Costa Complex systems: features, similarity and connectivity Physics Reports, Volume 861, Pages 1-41 (2020). Link to publication pre-print: arXiv
C. T. Martinez-Martinez, J. A. Mendez-Bermudez, Francisco A. Rodrigues, and Ernesto Estrada Nonuniform random graphs on the plane: A scaling study Physical Review E, 105, 034304, (2022). Link to publicationPre-print: arXiv
T. Peron, B. Messias, J. A. Méndez-Bermúdez,Francisco A. Rodrigues, and Luciano da F. Costa Spacing ratio characterization of the spectra of directed random networks Physical Review E, 102, 06230 (2020). Link to publication Pre-print: arXiv
R. Aguilar-Sánchez, J. A. Méndez-Bermúdez, Francisco A. Rodrigues, and J. M. Sigarreta Topological versus spectral properties of random geometric graphs Physical Review E, 102, 042306 (2020). Link to publication Pre-print: arXiv
Guilherme F. de Arruda, J. A. Méndez-Bermúdez, Francisco A. Rodrigues and Yamir Moreno Universality of eigenvector delocalization and the nature of the SIS phase transition in multiplex networks Journal of Statistical Mechanics (JSTAT), 103405, (2020). Link to publication Pre-print: arXiv
Luiz G. A. Alves, Alberto Aleta, Francisco A. Rodrigues, Yamir Moreno and Luís A. Nunes Amaral Centrality anomalies in complex networks as a result of model over-simplification New Journal of Physics, 22, 013043 (2020). Link to publication Pre-print: arXiv
Emanuele Cozzo, Guilherme F. de Arruda, Francisco A. Rodrigues, and Yamir Moreno Layer degradation triggers an abrupt structural transition in multiplex networks Physical Review E, 100, 012313, (2019). Link to publication pre-print: arXiv
J. A. Méndez-Bermúdez, Francisco A. Rodrigues, and Didier A. Vega-Oliveros Multifractality in random networks with power-law decaying bond strengths Physical Review E, 99, 042303, (2019). Link to publication
Guilherme F. de Arruda, Emanuele Cozzo, Francisco A. Rodrigues, and Yamir Moreno A polynomial eigenvalue approach for multilayer networks New Journal of Physics, 20, 095004 (2018). Link to publication pre-print: arXiv
Thomas K.DM. Peron, Peng Ji, Jürgen Kurths, Francisco A. Rodrigues Spectra of random networks in the weak clustering regime, Europhysics Letters (EPL), Volume 121, Number 6 (2018). Link to publication Pre-print: arXiv
Emanuele Cozzo, Guilherme Ferraz de Arruda, Francisco A. Rodrigues, Yamir Moreno An Introduction to Multiplex Networks: Basic Formalism and Structural Properties Book. Springer Briefs in Complexity, (2018)
Francisco A. Rodrigues Network centrality: an introduction Book Chapter to apper in "From nonlinear dynamics to complex systems: A Mathematical modeling approach" by Springer. Link to publication
J. A. Méndez-Bermúdez, Guilherme Ferraz de Arruda, Francisco A. Rodrigues, Yamir Moreno Scaling properties of multilayer random networks, Physical Review E, 96, 012307 (2017). Link to publicationpre-print: arXiv
J. A. Méndez-Bermúdez, Guilherme Ferraz de Arruda, Francisco A. Rodrigues, Yamir Moreno Diluted banded random matrices: scaling behavior of eigenfunction and spectral properties, Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical, Volume 50, Number 49 (2017). Link to publicationpre-print: arXiv
Guilherme F. de Arruda, Emanuele Cozzo, Yamir Moreno and Francisco A. Rodrigues On degree-degree correlations in multilayer networks Physica D, volumes 323–324, 1 (2016). Link to publicationPre-print: arXiv
Emanuele Cozzo, Guilherme Ferraz de Arruda, Francisco A. Rodrigues, Yamir Moreno Multilayer networks: metrics and spectral properties Book Chapter in Interconnected Networks (Springer). Link to publicationPre-print: arXiv
Filipi N. Silva, Cesar H. Comin, Thomas K. DM. Peron, Francisco A. Rodrigues, Cheng Ye, Richard C. Wilson, Edwin Hancock, Luciano da F. Costa Concentric network symmetry Information Sciences, vol. 333, pages 61-80 (2016). Link to publicationPre-print: arXiv
Cheng Ye, Richard C. Wilson, César H. Comin, Thomas K. D. M. Peron, Filipi N. Silva, Francisco A. Rodrigues, Luciano da F. Costa, Andrea Torsello, and Edwin R. Hancock Thermodynamic characterization of networks using graph polynomials Physical Review E, 92, 032810, (2015). Link to publication
J. A. Méndez-Bermúdez,A. Alcazar-López, A. J. Martínez-Mendoza, Francisco A. Rodrigues and Thomas K. DM. Peron Universality in the spectral and eigenfunction properties of random networks Physical Review E, 91, 032122, (2015). Link to publication
Deniz Eroglu, Thomas K. DM. Peron, Norbert Marwan, Francisco A. Rodrigues, Luciano da F. Costa, Michael Sebek, Istvan Kiss, and Jürgen Kurths Entropy of weighted recurrence plots Physical Review E, 90, 042919, (2014). Link to publication
Luciano da F.Costa, Osvaldo N. Oliveira Jr., Gonzalo Travieso, Francisco A. Rodrigues, Paulino R. Villas Boas, Lucas Antiqueira, Matheus P. Viana, Luis E. C. da Rocha Analyzing and Modeling Real-World Phenomena with Complex Networks: A Survey of Applications Advances in Physics, 60:3, pg 329-412, (2011). Link to publicationPre-print: arXiv
Christoph Echtermeyer, Luciano da Fontoura Costa, Francisco A. Rodrigues, Marcus Kaiser Automatic network fingerprinting through single-node motifs PLoS ONE, issue 6, vol 6, (2011). Link to publication
Paulino R. Villas-Boas, Francisco A. Rodrigues and Luciano da F. Costa Modeling the evolution of complex networks through the path-star transformation and optimal multivariate methods International Journal of Bifurcations and Chaos, Vol. 20, No. 3, 795–80, (2010). Link to publication
Paulino R. Villas Boas, Francisco A. Rodrigues, Gonzalo Travieso, Luciano da F. Costa Sensitivity of complex networks measurements Journal of Statistical Mechanics, P03009, (2010). Link to publication
Francisco A. Rodrigues and Luciano da F. Costa Generalized connectivity between any two nodes in a complex network Physical Review E, 81, 036113, 10 pages, (2010). Link to publication
Paulino R. Villas Boas, Francisco A. Rodrigues and Luciano da F. Costa Modeling Worldwide Highway Networks Physics Letters A, Volume 374, Issue 1, (2009). Link to publication
Lucas Antiqueira, Francisco A. Rodrigues and Luciano da F. Costa Modeling Connectivity in Terms of Network Activity Journal of Statistical Mechanics, L09005 (2009). Link to publication
Luciano da Fontoura Costa, Francisco A. Rodrigues, Claus C. Hilgetag and Marcus Kaiser Beyond the average: Detecting global singular nodes from local features in complex networks Europhysics Letters. 87, 18008, (2009). Link to publication
Luciano da Fontoura Costa and Francisco A. Rodrigues Seeking for simplicity in complex networks Europhysics Letters, 85, 48001, (2009). Link to publication
Paulino R. Villas-Boas, Francisco A. Rodrigues, Gonzalo Travieso, Luciano da F. Costa Chain motifs: The tails and handles of complex networks Physical Review E, 77(2), 026106, (2008). Link to publication
Paulino R. Villas Boas, Francisco A. Rodrigues, Gonzalo Travieso, Luciano da F. Costa Border trees of complex networks Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical, 41, 224005, (2008). Link to publication
Luciano da F. Costa, Francisco A. Rodrigues and G. Travieso Analyzing Trails in Complex Networks Physical Review E, 71(1), (2007). Link to publication
Francisco A. Rodrigues, Gonzalo Travieso and Luciano da F. Costa Fast Community Identification by Hierarchical Growth International Journal of Modern Physics C, v. 18, n. 6. Pages 937-947, (2007). Link to publication
Luciano da F. Costa, Francisco A. Rodrigues, Gonzalo Travieso and P. R. Villas Boas Characterization of complex networks: A survey of measurements Advances in Physics, Volume 56, pages 167 - 242, 1, (2007). Link to publication
Machine Learning
Francisco A. Rodrigues, Thomas Peron, Colm Connaughton, and Yamir Moreno A machine learning approach to predicting dynamical observables from network structure Proceedings of the Royal Society A: Mathematical and Physical Sciences, accepted (2024). Preprint: arXiv
Francisco Aparecido Rodrigues Machine learning in physics: a short guide Europhysics Letters (EPL), Volume 144, Number 2 (2023). Link to publication Pre-print: Arxiv
Mayra Z. Rodriguez, Cesar H. Comin, Dalcimar Casanova, Odemir M. Bruno, Diego R. Amancio, Luciano da F. Costa, Francisco A. Rodrigues Clustering Algorithms: A Comparative Approach, PLOS One, 14(1):e0210236 (2019). Link to publication (Open access)
Mayra Z. Pimenta, Cesar H. Comin, Francisco A. Rodrigues and Luciano da F. Costa The impact of interconnecting topologies on SOM neural networks IJCNN, IEEE International Joint Conference on Neural Networks (2018). Link to publication
Diego Raphael Amancio, Cesar Henrique Comin, Dalcimar Casanova, Gonzalo Travieso, Odemir Martinez Bruno, Francisco A. Rodrigues and Luciano da Fontoura Costa A systematic comparison of supervised classifiers PLoS ONE, 9(4), e94137 (2014). Link to publication
Guilherme Ferraz de Arruda, Luciano da Fontoura Costa, and Francisco A. Rodrigues A Complex Networks Approach for Data Clustering Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications, Vol. 391, Issue 23, (2012). Link to publication
Luciano da F. Costa, Filipi N. Silva, Paulino R. Villas-Boas, and Francisco A. Rodrigues A pattern recognition approach to complex networks Journal of Statistical Mechanics, P11015, (2010). Link to publication
Kirstin Roster, Colm Connaughton, and Francisco A. Rodrigues Forecasting new diseases in low-data settings using transfer learning Chaos, Solitons and Fractals, Volume 161, 112306, (2022). Link to publication Pre-print: arXiv
Tiago Martinelli, Diogo O. Soares-Pinto, and Francisco A. Rodrigues Shaking the causal tree: On the faithfulness and minimality assumptions beyond pairwise interactions Pre-print: arXiv
Kirstin Roster, Colm Connaughton, and Francisco A. Rodrigues Estimating the causal effect of mobility on Dengue during the COVID-19 pandemic International Journal of Epidemiology, Volume 50, (2021). Link to publication
Mohammad Noorbakhsh, Colm Connaughton and Francisco A. Rodrigues Discovering causal factors of drought in Ethiopia Climate Informatics, 2020, 10th International Conference on Climate Dynamics, (2020). Link to publication Pre-print: arXiv
Image analysis
Oscar Q. Linhares, Glenda M. Botelho, Ivar V. Belizario, Francisco A. Rodrigues and João B. E. S. Neto Segmentation of large images based on super-pixels and community detection in graphs, IET Image Processing, Volume 11, Issue 12 (2017). Link to publicationpre-print: arXiv
Oscar Cuadros Linares, Glenda Botelho, Francisco Aparecido Rodrigues, and João Batista Neto An Adjustable Error Measure for Image Segmentation Evaluation Brazilian Symposium on Computer Graphics and Image Processing (SIBGRAPI) (2015). Link to publication
Lilian T. Gouveia, Guilherme Ferraz de Arruda, Francisco A. Rodrigues, Luciano Jose Senger and Luciano da F. Costa Supervised classification of basaltic aggregate particles based on texture properties Journal of Computing in Civil Engineering, 27(2), 177–182, (2013). Link to publication
Andre L. Barbieri, Guilherme Arruda, Francisco A. Rodrigues, Odemir M. Bruno and Luciano da F. Costa An entropy-based approach to automatic image segmentation of satellite images Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications, v. 309, p. 512-518, 92011). Link to publication
Lilian T. Gouveia, Francisco A. Rodrigues and Luciano da F. Costa Multiscale curvature analysis of asphaltic aggregate particles Journal of Computing in Civil Engineering, Volume 24, Issue 6, pp. 506-513,(2010). Link to publication
Pedro Luiz Ramos, Daniel C. F. Guzman, Alex L. Mota, Francisco A. Rodrigues, and Francisco Louzada Sampling with censored data: a practical guide Journal of Statistical Computation and Simulation, accepted (2024). Link to publicationPreprint: arXiv
Eduardo Ramos, Osafu A. Egbon, Pedro L. Ramos, Francisco A. Rodrigues and Francisco Louzada Objective Bayesian analysis for the differential entropy of the Gamma distribution Brazilian Journal of Probability and Statistics, 38 (1), 53-73 (2024). Preprint: arXiv
Pedro Luiz Ramos, Daniel C. F. Guzman, Alex L. Mota, Francisco A. Rodrigues and , Francisco Louzada Sampling with censored data: a practical guide Journal of Statistical Computation and Simulation, accepted (2024). Preprint: arXiv
Pedro Ramos and Francisco A. Rodrigues Scale-free networks: improved inference Under review. Pre-print: arXiv
Eduardo Ramos, Osafu A. Egbon, Pedro L. Ramos, Francisco A. Rodrigues and Francisco LouzadaEduardo Ramos, Osafu A. Egbon, Pedro L. Ramos, Francisco A. Rodrigues and Francisco Louzada Objective Bayesian analysis for the differential entropy of the Gamma distribution Brazilian Journal of Probability and Statistics, accepted (2023). pre-print: arXiv
Pedro Ramos, Francisco A. Rodrigues Dipak K. Dey and Francisco Louzada Power-law distributions in objective priors Statistica Sinica (2023). Link to publication Pre-print: arXiv
Vera L. D. Tomazella, Sandra Rêgo de Jesus, Amanda B. Gazon, Francisco Louzada, Saralees Nadarajah, Diego C. Nascimento, Francisco A. Rodrigues and Pedro Luiz Ramos Bayesian Reference Analysis for the Generalized Normal Linear Regression Model Symmetry, 13, 856 (2021). Link to publication
Brain networks
Caroline L. Alves, Manuel Ciba, Thaise Toutain, Joel Augusto Moura Porto, Eduardo Pondé de Sena,Christiane Thielemann, and Francisco A. Rodrigues On the advances in machine learning and complex network measures to an EEG dataset from DMT experiments Journal of Physics: Complexity, 5, 015002 (2024). Link to publication (Open access)
Caroline L. Alves, Tiago Martinelli, Loriz Francisco Sallum, Francisco A. Rodrigues, Thaise G. L. de O. Toutain, Joel Augusto Moura Porto, Christiane Thielemann, Patrícia Maria de Carvalho Aguiar, Michael Moeckel Multiclass Classification of Autism Spectrum Disorder, Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, and Typically Developed Individuals Using fMRI Functional Connectivity Analysis PLOS ONE, accepted (2024).
Caroline L. Alves, Thaise G. L. de O. Toutain, Joel Augusto Moura Porto, Patricia de Carvalho Aguiar, Aruane M. Pineda, Eduardo Pond ́e de Sena, Christiane Thielemann and Francisco A Rodrigues Analysis of functional connectivity using machine learning and deep learning in different data modalities from individuals with schizophrenia Journal of Neural Engineering, 20, 056025 (2023). Link to publication
Caroline L. Alves, Thaise G. L. de O. Toutain, Patricia de Carvalho Aguiar, Aruane M. Pineda, Kirstin Roster, Christiane Thielemann, Joel Augusto Moura Porto, and Francisco A. Rodrigues Diagnosis of autism spectrum disorder based on functional brain networks and machine learning Scientific Reports volume 13, number: 8072 (2023) . Link to publication (Open access)
Caroline L. Alves, Rubens Gisbert Cury, Kirstin Roster, Francisco A. Rodrigues, Christiane Thielemann, and Manuel Ciba Application of machine learning and complex network measures to an EEG dataset from ayahuasca experiments PLoS ONE, 17(12): e0277257, (2022). Link to publication (Open access)
Thomas Bouillet, Manuel Ciba, Caroline Laurenço Alves, Francisco A. Rodrigues, Christiane Thielemann, Morvane Colin, Luc Buée, and Sophie Halliez Revisiting the involvement of tau in complex neural network remodeling: analysis of the extracellular neuronal activity in organotypic brain slice co-cultures Journal of Neural Engineering, 19(6), (2022). Link to publication
Caroline L. Alves, Aruane M. Pineda, Kirstin Roster, Christiane Thieleman and Francisco A. Rodrigues EEG functional connectivity and deep learning for automatic diagnosis of brain disorders: Alzheimer's disease and schizophrenia Journal of Physics: Complexity, (2022). Link to publication (Open access)
Aruane Pineda and Francisco A. Rodrigues Complex Networks to Differentiate Elderly and Young People Annual International Conference on Information Management and Big Data, SIMBig 2020 (2021). Link to publication
Manuel Ciba, Robert Bestel, Crhistoph Nick,Guilherme F. de Arruda, Thomas K. D. Peron, César Comin, Luciano da F. Costa, Francisco A. Rodrigues, Cristiane Thielemann Comparison of different spike train synchrony measures regarding their robustness to erroneous data from bicuculline induced epileptiform activity Neural Computation, 32, 887–911 (2020). Link to publication
Guilherme Ferraz de Arruda, Luciano da Fontoura Costa, Dirk Schubert, and Francisco A. Rodrigues Structure and dynamics of functional networks in child-onset schizophrenia Clinical Neurophysiology, 2013., vol. 125, issue 8, Pages 1589–1595, (2013). Link to publication
Andreas G. Tzakos, Vassiliki G. Kontogiann, Maria Tsoumani, Eleni Kyriakou, John Hwa, Francisco A. Rodrigues, Alexandros D. Tselepi Exploration of the antiplatelet activity profile of betulinic acid on human platelets Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 60 (28), pp 6977–6983, (2012). Link to publication
Fabrizio De Vico Fallani, Francisco A. Rodrigues, Luciano da Fontoura Costa, Laura Astolfid, Febo Cincotti, Donatella Mattia, Serenella Salinari and Fabio Babiloni Multiple pathways analysis of brain functional networks from EEG signals: an application to real data Brain Topography, Volume 23, Number 4, 344-354, (2011). Link to publication
Lucas Antiqueira, Francisco A. Rodrigues, Bernadette C van Wijk, Luciano F Costa, and Andreas Daffertshofer Estimating complex cortical networks via surface recordings - a critical note Neuroimage, 2(53), Pages 439-449, (2010). Link to publication
Fabrizio De Vico Fallani, Luciano da Fontoura Costa, Francisco A. Rodrigues, Laura Astolfid, Giovanni Vecchiato, Jlenia Toppi, Gianluca Borghini, Febo Cincotti, Donatella Mattia, Serenella Salinari, Roberto Isabella and Fabio Babiloni A graph-theoretical approach in brain functional networks. Possible implications in EEG studies Nonlinear Biomedical Physics, v. 23, p. 344-354, (2010). Link to publication
Francisco A. Rodrigues and Luciano da Fontoura Costa A Signal propagation in cortical networks: A Digital Signal Processing Approach Frontiers in Neuroinformatics, 24 (3), (2009). Link to publication
Francisco A. Rodrigues and Luciano da Fontoura Costa A Structure dynamic Approach to Cortical Organization: Number of Paths and Accessibility Journal of Neuroscience Methods, 1 (183), (2009). Link to publication
Silas Alves-Costa, Bruno Feres de Souza, Francisco Aparecido Rodrigues, Alexandre Archanjo Ferraro, Gustavo G. Nascimento, Fabio R. M. Leite, Lorena Lúcia Costa Ladeira, Rosângela Fernandes Lucena Batista, Erika Bárbara Abreu Fonseca Thomaz, Claudia Maria Coelho Alves, and Cecilia Claudia Costa Ribeiro High free sugars, insulin resistance, and low socioeconomic indicators: the hubs in the complex network of non-communicable diseases in adolescents Diabetology and Metabolic Syndrome 16, 235 (2024). (2024). Link to publication
Guilherme Ferraz de Arruda, Luciano da Fontoura Costa, Dirk Schubert, and Francisco A. Rodrigues Structure and dynamics of functional networks in child-onset schizophrenia Clinical Neurophysiology, 2013., vol. 125, issue 8, Pages 1589–1595, (2013). Link to publication
Andreas G. Tzakos, Vassiliki G. Kontogiann, Maria Tsoumani, Eleni Kyriakou, John Hwa, Francisco A. Rodrigues, Alexandros D. Tselepi Exploration of the antiplatelet activity profile of betulinic acid on human platelets Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 60 (28), pp 6977–6983, (2012). Link to publication
Caroline L. Alves, Aruane M. Pineda, Kirstin Roster, Christiane Thieleman and Francisco A. Rodrigues EEG functional connectivity and deep learning for automatic diagnosis of brain disorders: Alzheimer's disease and schizophrenia Journal of Physics: Complexity, (2022). Link to publication (Open access)
Caroline L. Alves, Thaise G. L. de O. Toutain, Patricia de Carvalho Aguiar, Aruane M. Pineda, Kirstin Roster, Christiane Thielemann, Joel Augusto Moura Porto, and Francisco A. Rodrigues Diagnosis of autism spectrum disorder based on functional brain networks and machine learning Scientific Reports volume 13, number: 8072 (2023) . Link to publication (Open access)
Aruane M. Pineda, Caroline L. Alves, Michael Möckel, Joel Augusto Moura Porto, and Francisco A Rodrigues Analysis of quantile graphs in EGC data from elderly and young individuals using machine learning and deep learning Journal of Complex Networks, Volume 11, Issue 5, (2023). Link to publication
Biological networks
Francisco A. Rodrigues, L. da F. Costa and A. L. Barbieri Resilience of protein-protein interaction networks as determined by their large-scale topological features Molecular BioSystems, 7, 1263-1269, (2011). Link to publication
Francisco A. Rodrigues and Luciano da F. Costa Comparison of the interactomic networks of different species in terms of accessibility Molecular BioSystems, 6, 224 - 230, (2009). Link to publication
Francisco A. Rodrigues and Luciano da F. Costa Protein lethality investigated in terms of long range dynamical interactions Molecular BioSystems, 5, 385, (2009). Link to publication
Luciano da F. Costa, Francisco A. Rodrigues and Alexandre S. Cristino Complex networks: the key to systems biology Genetics and Molecular Biology,31(3), (2008). Link to publication
Luciano da F. Costa, Francisco A. Rodrigues and Gonzalo Travieso Protein domain connectivity and essentiality Applied Physics Letters 89, 174101 (2006). Link to publication
Nastaran Lotfi, Henrique Requejo, Francisco A. Rodrigues, and Marco A. R. Mello A new centrality index designed for multilayer networks Methods in Ecology and Evolution, 15 (1), 204-213 (2023) - Featured in the cover. Link to publication (Open Access)
Nastaran Lotfi, Henrique Requejo, Francisco A. Rodrigues, and Marco A. R. Mello A new centrality index designed for multilayer networks Methods in Ecology and Evolution (2023). Link to publication (Open Access)
Guillermo L. Florez-Montero1, Renata L. Muylaert, Marcelo R. Nogueira, Cullen Geiselman, Sharlene E. Santana, Richard D. Stevens, Marco Tschapka, Francisco A. Rodrigues, Marco A. R. Mello NeoBat Interactions: a data set of bat-plant interactions in the Neotropics Ecology, e3640, (2022). Link to publication (Open access)
Marco A. R. Mello, Gabriel M. F. Felix, Rafael B. P. Pinheiro, Renata L. Muylaert, Cullen Geiselmann, Sharlene Santana, Marco Tschapka, Nastaran Lofti, Francisco A. Rodrigues and Richard D. Stevens Insights on the assembly rules of a continent-wide multilayer network Nature Ecology and Evolution, 1525–1532 (2019). Link to publication Read online
Marco Aurelio Ribeiro Mello, Francisco Aparecido Rodrigues, Luciano da Fontoura Costa, W. Daniel Kissling, Cagan Sekercioglu, Flavia Maria Darcie Marquitti, Elisabeth Klara Viktoria Kalko Keystone species in seed dispersal networks are mainly determined by dietary specialization Oikos, 124, vol. 8, (2015). Link to publication
K. S. Conceição, W. Ulrich. C. A. Diniz, F. A. Rodrigues and M. G. Andrade A generalized approach to the modeling of the species-area relationship PLoS ONE, 9(8): e105132, (2014). Link to publication
Social Sciences
André Calixto Gonçalves, Rodolfo Valentim, Francisco Aparecido Rodrigues, and Ivan Filipe Fernandes Indigenous schools in Brazil as a tool for acculturation Nature, 622, 7982 (2023). Link to publication
Luiz Gustavo Alves, Haroldo V. Ribeiro and Francisco A. Rodrigues The role of city size and urban metrics on crime modeling Book Chapter to apper in "Understanding Crime through Science - Interdisciplinary Analysis and Modeling of Criminal Activities" by Springer. pre-print: arXiv
Luiz G. Andrade Alves, Haroldo V. Robeiro and Francisco A. Rodrigues Crime prediction through urban metrics and statistical learning Physica A, vol. 505, 1, (2018). Link to publicationPre-print: arXiv
Infectious Disease Modelling
Luiza Lober, Kirstin O Roster, Francisco A Rodrigues Forecasting infectious diseases in Brazilian cities: integrating socio-economic and geographic data from related cities through a machine learning approach Chaos, Solitons and Fractals, accepted (2024). Preprint: Arxiv
Kirstin Roster, Colm Connaughton, and Francisco A. Rodrigues Forecasting new diseases in low-data settings using transfer learning Chaos, Solitons and Fractals, Volume 161, 112306, (2022). Link to publication Pre-print: arXiv
Kirstin Roster, Colm Connaughton and Francisco A. Rodrigues Machine Learning Based Forecast of Dengue Fever in Brazilian Cities using Epidemiological and Meteorological Variables American Journal of Epidemiology, Volume 191, Issue 10, (2022). Link to publication Pre-print: BioRxiv
Kirstin Roster, Colm Connaughton, and Francisco A. Rodrigues Estimating the causal effect of mobility on Dengue during the COVID-19 pandemic International Journal of Epidemiology, Volume 50, (2021). Link to publication
Epidemic processes in networks
Diogo H. Silva, Francisco A. Rodrigues, and Silvio C. Ferreira Accuracy of discrete-and continuous-time mean-field theories for epidemic processes on complex networks Physical Review E, 110, 014302 (2024). Link to publicationPreprint: Arxiv
Paulo C. Ventura, Eric K. Tokuda, Luciano da F. Costa and Francisco A. Rodrigues A Markov chain for metapopulations of small sizes with attraction landscape Chaos, Solitons and Fractals, Volume 167, 113003, (2023). Link to publication Pre-print: arXiv
José Carlos M. Silva, Diogo H. Silva, Francisco A. Rodrigues, Silvio C. Ferreira Comparison of theoretical approaches for epidemic processes with waning immunity in complex networks Physical Review E, 106, 034317 (2022). Link to publication Pre-print: arXiv
Paulo Cesar Ventura, Alberto Aleta, Francisco A. Rodrigues, and Yamir Moreno Modeling the effects of social distancing on the large-scale spreading of diseases Epidemics, volume 38, 100544, (2022). Link to publication (Open access)
Paulo C. Ventura, Alberto Aleta, Francisco A. Rodrigues and Yamir Moreno Epidemic spreading in populations of mobile agents with adaptive behavioral response Chaos, Solitons and Fractals, 156, 111849, (2022). Link to publication Pre-print: arXiv
Paulo C. Ventura, Yamir Moreno and Francisco A. Rodrigues The role of time scale in the spreading of asymmetrically interacting diseases Physical Review Research 3 (1), 013146 (2021). Link to publication Pre-print: arXiv
Fátima Velásquez-Rojas, Paulo Cesar Ventura da Silva, Colm Connaughton, Yamir Moreno, Francisco A. Rodrigues, and Federico Vazquez Disease and information spreading at different speeds in multiplex networks Physical Review E, 102, 022312 (2020). Link to publication Pre-print: arXiv
Diogo H. Silva, Francisco A. Rodrigues, Silvio C. Ferreira High prevalence regimes in the pair-quenched mean-field theory for the susceptible-infected-susceptible model on networks Physical Review E, 102, 012313 (2020). Link to publication Pre-print: arXiv
Guilherme Ferraz de Arruda, Giovanni Petri, Francisco A. Rodrigues, and Yamir Moreno Impact of the distribution of recovery rates on disease spreading in complex networks Physical Review Research, 2, 013046, (2020). Link to publication Pre-print: arXiv
Didier A. Vega-Oliveros, Luciano da F. Costa and Francisco A. Rodrigues Influence maximization on correlated networks through community identification Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation, 105094 (2020). Link to publication pre-print: arXiv
Paulo César Ventura, Fátima Velásquez-Rojas, Colm Connaughton, Federico Vazquez, Yamir Moreno and Francisco A. Rodrigues Epidemic spreading with awareness and different time scales in multiplex networks Physical Review E, 100, 032313 (2019). Link to publication Pre-print: arXiv
Guilherme F. de Arruda, Francisco A. Rodrigues, and Yamir Moreno Fundamentals of spreading processes in single and multilayer complex networks Physics Reports, Volume 756, Pages 1-60 (2018). Link to publication Pre-print: arXiv
Guilherme Ferraz de Arruda, Emanuele Cozzo, Pablo Martín Rodríguez, Francisco A. Rodrigues and Yamir Moreno A general Markov chain approach for disease and rumour spreading in complex networks, Journal of Complex Networks, Volume 6, Issue 2, Pages 215–242 (2018). Link to publicationPre-print: arXiv Codes on GitHub
Guilherme F. de Arruda, Emanuele Cozzo, Tiago Peixoto, Francisco A. Rodrigues and Yamir Moreno Disease localization in multilayer networks Physical Review X, 7, 011014, (2017). Link to publication (Open access)
Didier A. Vega-Oliveros, Lilian Berton, Federico Vazquez, Francisco A. Rodrigues The impact of social curiosity on information spreading on networks, IEEE/ACM International Conference on Advances in Social Networks Analysis and Mining (2017). Link to publicationpre-print: arXiv
Guilherme F. de Arruda, André L. Barbieri, Luciano da F. Costa, Pablo M. Rodriguez, Yamir Moreno and Francisco A. Rodrigues Role of centrality for the identification of influential spreaders in complex networks Physical Review E, 90, 032812, (2014). Link to publication
Rumour spreading
Guilherme Ferraz de Arruda, Lucas G. S. Jeub, Angélica S. Mata, Francisco A. Rodrigues, and Yamir Moreno From subcritical behavior to a correlation-induced transition in rumor models Nature Communications, (2022). Link to publication (Open access)
Didier A. Vega-Oliveros, Luciano da F. Costa and Francisco A. Rodrigues Influence maximization on correlated networks through community identification Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation, 105094 (2020). Link to publication pre-print: arXiv
Guilherme Ferraz de Arruda, Emanuele Cozzo, Pablo Martín Rodríguez, Francisco A. Rodrigues and Yamir Moreno A general Markov chain approach for disease and rumour spreading in complex networks, Journal of Complex Networks, Volume 6, Issue 2, Pages 215–242 (2018). Link to publicationPre-print: arXiv Codes on GitHub
Guilherme F. de Arruda, Elcio Lebensztayn, Francisco A. Rodrigues and Pablo M. Rodriguez A process of rumor scotching on finite populations Royal Society Open Science, v. 2, 150240, (2015). Link to publication (Open access)
Guilherme F. de Arruda, André L. Barbieri, Luciano da F. Costa, Pablo M. Rodriguez, Yamir Moreno and Francisco A. Rodrigues Role of centrality for the identification of influential spreaders in complex networks Physical Review E, 90, 032812, (2014). Link to publication
Thomas Peron, Deniz Eroglu, Francisco A. Rodrigues, and Yamir Moreno Collective dynamics of random Janus oscillator networks Physical Review Research, 2, 013255 (2020). Link to publication Pre-print: arXiv
Thomas Peron, Bruno Messias, Angélica S. Mata, Francisco A. Rodrigues, and Yamir Moreno On the onset of synchronization of Kuramoto oscillators in scale-free networks Physical Review E, 100, 042302 (2019). Link to publication Pre-print: arXiv
Francisco A. Rodrigues, Thomas K.DM. Peron, Peng Ji, Jürgen Kurths The Kuramoto model in complex networks Physics Reports, V. 610, Pages 1–98, (2016). Link to publicationPre-print: arXiv
Thomas K. DM. Peron, Jürgen Kurths, Francisco A. Rodrigues, Lutz Schimansky-Geier, and Bernard Sonnenschein Traveling phase waves in asymmetric networks of noisy chaotic attractors Physical Rewiew E, 96, 042210, (2016). Link to publicationPre-print: arXiv
Paul Schultz, Thomas Peron, Deniz Eroglu, Thomas Stemler, G. Marcelo Ramírez Ávila, Francisco A. Rodrigues, Jürgen Kurths Tweaking synchronization by connectivity modifications Physical Rewiew E, 93, 062211, (2016). Link to publicationPre-print: arXiv
Bernard Sonnenschein, Thomas K. DM. Peron, Francisco A. Rodrigues, Jürgen Kurths and Lutz Schimansky-Geier Collective dynamics in two populations of noisy oscillators with asymmetric interactions Physical Review E, 91, 062910, (2015). Link to publication
Thomas K.DM. Peron, Peng Ji, Francisco A. Rodrigues, Jürgen Kurths Effect of assortative mixing in the second-order Kuramoto model Physical Review E, 91, 062910, (2015). Link to publication
Peng Ji, Thomas K. DM. Peron, Francisco A. Rodrigues, and Jürgen Kurths Analysis of cluster explosive synchronization in complex networks Physical Review E, 90, 062810, (2014). Link to publication
Bernard Sonnenschein, Thomas K. DM. Peron, Francisco A. Rodrigues, Jürgen Kurths, and Lutz Schimansky-Geier Cooperative behavior between oscillatory and excitable units: the peculiar role of positive coupling-frequency correlations European Physical Journal B, Springer, 87: 182, (2014). Link to publication
Peng Ji, Thomas K.DM. Peron, Francisco A. Rodrigues, Jürgen Kurths Low-dimensional behavior of Kuramoto model with inertia in complex networks Scientific Reports - Nature, v. 4, n. 4783, (2014). Link to publication
Peng Ji, Thomas K. DM. Peron, Peter J. Menck, Francisco A. Rodrigues, and Jürgen Kurths Cluster explosive synchronization in complex networks Physical Review Letters, 110, 218701 (2013). Link to publication
Thomas Kauê Dal'Maso Peron, Francisco A. Rodrigues, Jürgen Kurths Synchronization in random clustered networks Physical Review E, 87, 032807 (2013). Link to publication
Guilherme F. de Arruda, Thomas Kauê Dal'Maso Peron, Marinho Gomes de Andrade, Jorge Alberto Achcar, Francisco A. Rodrigues The influence of network properties on the synchronization of Kuramoto oscillators quantified by a Bayesian regression analysis Journal of Statistical Physics, Vol. 152, Issue 3, (2013). Link to publication
Thomas Kauê Dal'Maso Peron and Francisco A. Rodrigues Determining the critical coupling of explosive synchronization transitions in scale-free networks by mean-field approximations Physical Review E, vol. 86, issue 5, 056108, (2012). Link to publication
Thomas Kauê Dal'Maso Peron and Francisco A. Rodrigues Explosive synchronization enhanced by time-delayed coupling Physical Review E, vol. 86, issue 1, 016102 (2012). Link to publication
Game Theory
Nastaran Lotfi, Francisco A Rodrigues On the effect of memory on the Prisoner's Dilemma game in correlated networks Physica A, Volume 607, 128162, (2022). Link to publication
Statistical physics of social dynamics
Guilherme Ferraz de Arruda, Lucas G. S. Jeub, Angélica S. Mata, Francisco A. Rodrigues, and Yamir Moreno From subcritical behavior to a correlation-induced transition in rumor models Nature Communications, (2022). Link to publication (Open access)
Aruane M. Pineda, Paul Kent, Colm Connaughton and Francisco A. Rodrigues Machine learning-based prediction of Q-voter model in complex networks Journal of Statistical Mechanics: Theory and Experiment (JSTAT), accepted, (2023). Pre-print: Arxiv
Aruane M. Pineda, Sandro M. Reia, Colm Connaughton, José F. Fontanari, and Francisco A. Rodrigues Cultural heterogeneity constrains diffusion of innovations Europhysics Letters (EPL), 143, 42003 (2023). Link to publication Pre-print: Arxiv
Paulo F. Gomes, Sandro M. Reia Francisco A. Rodrigues and José F. Fontanari Mobility helps problem-solving systems to avoid Groupthink Physical Review E, 99 (3), 032301, (2019). Link to publication pre-print: arXiv
José F. Fontanari and Francisco A. Rodrigues Influence of network topology on cooperative problem-solving systems Theory in Biosciences, vol. 35, issue 3, p. 101-110, (2016). Link to publicationPre-print: arXiv
Francisco A. Rodrigues and Luciano da Fontoura Costa Surviving opinions in Sznajd models on complex networks International Journal of Modern Physics C, v. 16, n. 11, (2005). Link to publication
Social Networks
Ruben Interian and Francisco A Rodrigues Group polarization, influence, and domination in online interaction networks: A case study of the 2022 Brazilian elections Journal of Physics: Complexity, 4, 035008 (2023). Link to publication (Open access)
Economics and financial networks
Michel Alexandre, Felipe Jordão Xavier, Thiago Christiano Silva, Francisco A. Rodrigues Nestedness and systemic risk in financial networks Latin American Journal of Central Banking, 100136 (2024). Link to publication
Michel Alexandre, Thiago Silva, Krzysztof Michalak and Francisco A. Rodrigues Efficiency-stability Trade-off in Financial Systems: a multi-objective optimization approach Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications, 129213 (2023). Link to publication Pre-print: Central Bank of Brazil
Michel Alexandre, Felipe Xavier, and Francisco A. Rodrigues The determinants of the individual nestedness contribution in financial systems Europhysics Letters (EPL) (2023). Link to publication
Michel Alexandre, Thiago Silva, Krzysztof Michalak and Francisco A. Rodrigues Does the default pecking order impact systemic risk? Evidence from Brazilian data European Journal of Operational Research, Volume 309, Issue 3, 16 (2023). Link to publication Pre-print: arXiv
Luiz G. A. Alves, Giuseppe Mangioni, Francisco A. Rodrigues, Pietro Panzarasa, and Yamir Moreno The rise and fall of countries in the global value chains Scientific Reports, (2022). Link to publication (Open access)
Michel Alexandre, Kauê de Moraes, and Francisco A. Rodrigues Risk-dependent centrality in the Brazilian stock market Journal of Complex Networks, volume 10, Issue 1 (2022). Link to publication Pre-print: arXiv
Michel Alexandre, Thiago Christiano Silva, Colm Connaughton and Francisco A. Rodrigues The drivers of systemic risk in financial networks: a data-driven machine learning analysis Chaos, Solitons and Fractals: the interdisciplinary journal of Nonlinear Science, and Nonequilibrium and Complex Phenomena, Volume 153, Part 1, (2021).
Link to publication
Luiz G. A. Alves, Giuseppe Mangioni, Isabella Cingolani, Francisco A. Rodrigues, Pietro Panzarasa, and Yamir Moreno The nested structural organization of the worldwide trade multi-layer network Scientific Reports - Nature, 9, number 2866, (2019). Link to publication pre-print: arXiv
Luiz G. A. Alves, Giuseppe Mangioni, Francisco A. Rodrigues, Pietro Panzarasa and Yamir Moreno Unfolding the complexity of the global value chain: Strengths and entropy in the single-layer, multiplex, and multi-layer international trade networks Entropy, 20(12), 909, (2018). Link to publication (Open access)
Thomas Kauê Dal'Maso Peron, Luciano da F. Costa and Francisco A. Rodrigues The structure and resilience of financial market networks Chaos, 22, 013117, (2012). Link to publication
Thomas Kauê Dal'Maso Peron and Francisco A. Rodrigues Collective behavior in financial market Europhysics Letters. Vol. 96, 4, (2011). Link to publication
Tim Kittel, Catrin Ciemer, Nastaran Lotfi, Thomas Peron, Francisco A. Rodrigues, Jürgen Kurths, and Reik V. Donner Evolving climate network perspectives on global surface air temperature effects of ENSO and strong volcanic eruptions The European Physical Journal Special Topics (2021). Link to publication Pre-print: arXiv
Mohammad Noorbakhsh, Colm Connaughton and Francisco A. Rodrigues Discovering causal factors of drought in Ethiopia Climate Informatics, 2020, 10th International Conference on Climate Dynamics, (2020). Link to publication Pre-print: arXiv
Thomas .K.D. Peron, C.H. Comin, D.R. Amancio, L.F. Costa, Francisco .A. Rodrigues, and Jürgen Kurths Correlations between climate network and relief data Nonlinear Processes in Geophysics, 21, 1127-1132, (2014). Link to publication
Anastasios A. Tsonis, Geli Wang, Kyle L. Swanson, Francisco A. Rodrigues and Luciano da Fontoura Costa Community structure and dynamics in climate networks Climate Dynamics, Volume 37, Numbers 5-6, 933-940, (2011). Link to publication
Débora C. Corrêa and Francisco A. Rodrigues A survey of symbolic-based music genre classification Expert Systems with Applications, Volume 60, Pages 190–210, (2016). Link to publication
Pedro Luiz Ramos, Luciano da Fontoura Costa, Francisco Louzada and Francisco A. Rodrigues Power laws in the Roman Empire: a survival analysis Royal Society Open Science, Volume 8, Issue 7 (2021). Link to publication
Eduardo Alves Baratela, Felipe Jordão Xavier, Thomas Peron, Paulino Ribeiro Villas-Boas, and Francisco A. Rodrigues Predicting soccer matches with complex networks and machine learning Journal of Complex Networks, Volume 12, Issue 6, (2024). Link to publicationPreprint: arXiv
Filipi Nascimento Silva, Francisco A. Rodrigues, Osvaldo Novais de Oliveira Junior, Luciano da Fontoura Costa Quantifying the interdisciplinarity of scientific journals and fields Journal of Informetrics, Vol. 7, issue 2, (2013). Link to publication