Marina Andretta

assistant professor - usp (São Carlos)

department of applied mathematics and statistics - icmc


I defended my PhD thesis on July, 2008. During my PhD, I worked with numerical methods on optimization. I developed a method to solve linearly constrained problems and I worked with augmented Lagrangian methods that leave linear or box constraints on the lower level set of constraints. On the thesis I present the methods, their convergence theories and numerical results. This work was done under the supervision of Prof. Ernesto Birgin at the Department of Computer Science of the Institute of Mathematics and Statistics of the University of São Paulo (IME-USP). This work was sponsored by CNPq.

A copy of the thesis is available on pdf format.

To get GENLIN's code, developed during my PhD, access the TANGO Project web page.


I defended my master's dissertation on February, 2004. During my MSc, I worked with numerical methods on optimization. I developed an active-set method to solve box constrained problems. The method uses trust-region tecnique and employs Moré-Sorensen's method to solve each trust-region subproblem. On the dissertation I present the method, its convergence theory and numerical results. This work was done under the supervision of Prof. Ernesto Birgin at the Department of Computer Science of the Institute of Mathematics and Statistics of the University of São Paulo (IME-USP). This work was sponsored by CNPq.

A copy of the dissertation is available on pdf format.

To get BETRA's code, developed during my MSc, access the TANGO Project web page.

last modified: 05/08/2009