Courses: * [[calculo1|Cálculo I]] * [[|Cálculo 2]] * {{ :integrais_mu_ltiplas_21_.pdf |CalculoIII}} , {{ :ca_lculo_vetorial_13_.pdf |CalculoIII, second part}} * [[analise2|Análise II]] * [[calavancado|Cálculo Avançado]] * [[formas|Formas Diferenciais]] * [[sisdin|Sistemas Dinâmicos]] * [[medida:medida|Medida e integração]], [[medida:gpt|Delírio de ChatGPT sem medida]] [[|Núcleo de Estudos de Matemática Olímpica, NEMO]] [[:mmc|Matemática na Medida Certa]], [[|Evento no CDCC]] [[phdicmc:problematis-solvendis|Problemas Hagoromo do ICMC]] Problemas mensais para alunos de graduação (Monthly problem for undergraduate students.) Projects Contact me if you want to embed in the fascinating world of dynamical systems. Ph.D. Projects * Ygor Arthur (Unicamp), Meysam Hedyehloo (IPM) * Contact me if you are interested in Oportunity for students in developping countries.[[|ICTP]] Post doc oportunity * There is an open position for FAPESP- Fellowship post-doc in the thematic project that I coordinate. See the details [[|here.]] * Any time in the year you may apply for a post doc Ali Tahzibi FAPESP: Working Groups * Partially hyperbolic diffeomorphisms homotopic to identity ([[|Link]], July-October 2021)