About me
How to reach me
About those birds
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<<closeBlog>> [>img[me4.png]] I am a Full Professor at the [[Department of Mathematics|]], [[ICMC-USP|]], at the USP campus at [[São Carlos|,-47.683411&sspn=1.716186,2.436218&ie=UTF8&hq=&hnear=S%C3%A3o+Carlos+-+S%C3%A3o+Paulo,+Brazil&ll=-21.207459,-46.318359&spn=53.616966,77.958984&t=h&z=4]]. My main interest on research is the study dynamical systems, and in particular one-dimensional dynamical systems, renormalization and ergodic theory.
@@color(gray):November 3th 2021, 19:01.@@ Those birds are from two of the wonderful plates in "Birds from Brazil and Mexico", by William Swainson (1789-1855). This amazing work is now public domain.
[[Publications]] [[Presentations]] [[Teaching]] [[About me]] [[How to reach me]] [[Schedule]] [[Vitae]]
<<closeBlog>> E-mail: smania[img[ee|dd.gif]] Office at ~ICMC-USP: 3-232. Youtube channel: [[smaniamat|]] (com vídeos sobre a matéria de algumas disciplinas oferecidas) Address: Daniel Smania [[Departamento de Matemática|]] [[Instituto de Ciências Matemáticas e de Computação|]] [[USP|]] Campus de São Carlos Avenida Trabalhador São-carlense, 400 CEP: 13566-590 [[São Carlos|,+Brazil&ll=-22.024546,-47.8125&spn=57.262216,80.507812&t=h&z=4]] SP Brazil Phones: Office: (55) (16) 3373-6633 Fax: (55) (16) 3373-9650
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[[Publications]] [[Presentations]] [[Teaching]] [[Schedule]] [[About me]] [[How to reach me]] [[Vitae]] [[About those birds]]
<meta name="description" content="Daniel Smania is a mathematician working at ICMC-USP, Sao Carlos, Brazil. His main area of interest is dynamical systems. This is his webpage. ">
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@@color(gray):Feb 13th 2012, 14:54.@@ ''On infinitely cohomologous to zero observables.'' [[PDF|inf_co.pdf]][<img[New.gif]] with Amanda de Lima. [[Ergodic Theory and Dynamical Systems (First published online 2012).|]]
@@color(gray):Aug 11th 2011, 10:26.@@ ''Renormalization for piecewise smooth homeomorphisms on the circle.'' [[PDF|]][<img[New.gif]] with Kleyber Cunha (UFBA). Preprint. 2011.
@@color(gray):Jan 9th 2012, 10:50.@@ ''Rigidity for piecewise smooth homeomorphisms on the circle.'' [[PDF|]][<img[New.gif]] with Kleyber Cunha (UFBA). Preprint. 2012.
@@color(gray):Apr 22nd 2009, 19:35.@@ We have a new preprint ''Piecewise analytic subactions for analytic dynamics.'' [[PDF|subactions.pdf]] with [[Gonzalo Contreras|]], [[Artur O. Lopes|]] and Elismar R. Oliveira. Preprint. 2009.
@@color(gray):Mar 30th 2010, 14:01.@@ ''Linear response for smooth deformations of generic nonuniformly hyperbolic unimodal maps.'' [[PDF|]] with [[Viviane Baladi|]] (CNRS, ENS). Preprint. 2010.
@@color(gray):Mar 2nd 2011, 18:36.@@ A nova página da disciplina [[Cálculo I|]] está disponível
<script> var out = ""; var tids = store.sortTiddlers(store.getTaggedTiddlers("journal"),"-created"); for (var t=6; t<tids.length && t<100; t++) out += "*[["+tids[t].title+"]]" + "\n"; return out; </script>
@@color(gray):Jan 20th 2020, 13:25.@@ The paper ''Classic and exotic Besov spaces induced by good grids.'' [[Preprint at ArXiv|]] was accepted by [[The Jounal of Geometric Analysis|]]
@@color(gray):Jul 28th 2009, 19:38.@@ We have a new preprint ''On infinitely cohomologous to zero observables.'' [[PDF|infcoho.pdf]] with Amanda de Lima. Preprint. 2009.
Below we list a few selected presentations ''Transfer operators and atomic decomposition'' VI Congreso Latinoamericano de Matemáticos (CLAM)-Virtual. September 2021. [[Video|]] [[Slides|clam-2021-09-15.pdf]] [[Presentation (html) with animations|clam-2021-09-15/index.html]] Mainly on the work with Alexander Arbieto in [[Preprint at ArXiv:1903.06943|]] and also [[Preprint ArXiv:1903.06976|]] [[The Journal of Geometric Analysis 31, 2481–2524 (2021) |]] [[Preprint ArXiv:1903.06937|]] (to appear in APDE) ''Infinitesimal Deformations of one-dimensional maps'' Virtual Workshop Many faces of renormalization (Simons Center for Geometry and Physics). March 2021. [[Video|]] (beware there are a few typos in the slides) [[(Corrected) Slides|infinitesimal-2021-03-12.pdf]]. Mostly on the work with Clodoaldo Ragazzo in [[Preprint ArXiv:2104.04806|]] and [[ArXiv:2104.04820|]], but there is also reference for earlier work with Viviane Baladi and Amanda de Lima. ''Generalized Weierstrass functions, linear response problem and Central Limit Theorem'' Seminário EDAÍ.September 2016. [[Slides|edai-2016-09.pdf]] This is on some results from Amanda de Lima Ph. D Thesis published in [[Stochastic and Dynamics 19, No. 01 (2019) |]] and [[Journal of the Institute of Mathematics of Jussieu 17 (2018) , pp. 673-733| ]]. ''Solenoidal Attractors with bounded combinatorics are shy '' Taking the Measure of ~One-Dimensional Dynamics (Lorentz Center, Leiden). April 2016. New Trends in One dimensional Dynamics. Celebrating the 70th birthday of Welington de Melo (IMPA, Rio de Janeiro, November 2016. [[Video (Rio)|]] [[Slides|leiden-2016.pdf]] [[Presentation with animations(html)|leiden-2016s/index.html]]. This is on the results in [[Annals of Mathematics 191, Issue 1, (2020) 1-79|]] and [[Ergodic Theory and Dynamical Systems Journal 39 (2019) pp. 1361-1400 |]]. ''Renormalization for piecewise smooth homeomorphism of the circle'' International Conference on Dynamical Systems, Buzios, Brazil. February 2010. [[Slides|buzios-2010-02.pdf]] This is on the results of Kleyber Mota da Cunha Ph. D. Thesis published in [[ Advances in Mathematics Volume 250, 15 January 2014, Pages 193–226 |]] and [[ Annales de l'Institut Henri Poincare (C) Non Linear Analysis Volume 30, Issue 3, May–June 2013, 441–462 |]]. ''Linear response for generic smooth unimodal maps'' Low Dimensional Dynamics ~IMPAN-Warsaw. November-2010. [[Slides|banach-center-2010-11-15-22-55.pdf]] This is mainly on the work with Viviane Baladi published in [[ Annales scientifiques de l'ENS 45, fascicule 6 (2012), 861-926|]].
<<closeBlog>> ! 2020- 31. ''Besov-ish spaces though atomic decomposition.'' [[ Analysis & PDE Vol. 15 (2022), No. 1, 123-174.|]] [img[new06p.gif]] [[Preprint at ArXv|]] 30. ''Complex a priori bounds for multicritical circle maps with bounded type rotation number.'' with Gabriela Estevez and [[Michael Yampolsky|]]. [[Bulletin of the Brazilian Mathematical Society (online first)|]]. [img[new06p.gif]] [[Preprint at ArXiv|]] 29. ''Birkhoff sums as distributions II: Applications to deformations of dynamical systems.'' [img[new06p.gif]] with [[Clodoaldo Grotta-Ragazzo|]]. [[Preprint at ArXiv|]] On March 2021 I gave a presentation on this work (and related previous works with Baladi and de Lima) in the Virtual Workshop Many faces of renormalization (Simons Center for Geometry and Physics). A [[video|]] is available (beware there are a few typos in the slides) . The (corrected) slides are [[here|infinitesimal-2021-03-12.pdf]]. [[Presentation at IMPA (November-2022)(slides)|]] [[Presentation at IMPA (November-2022)(PDF)|]] 28. ''Birkhoff sums as distributions I: Regularity.'' [img[new06p.gif]] with [[Clodoaldo Grotta-Ragazzo|]]. [[Preprint at ArXiv|]] 27. ''Fractional susceptibility functions for the quadratic family: ~Misiurewicz-Thurston parameters.'' with [[Viviane Baladi|]]. [[Communications in Mathematical Physics (2021)-Online First |]]. [img[new06p.gif]] [[Preprint at ArXiv|]] 26. ''Transfer operators, atomic decomposition and the Bestiary.'' [[Preprint at ArXiv|]] 25. ''Transfer operators and atomic decomposition.'' with [[Alexander Arbieto|]]. [[Preprint at ArXiv|]] On July 2020 I gave a presentation on this work in the webinar Resistencia Dinamica. A [[video|]] is available (beware there are a few typos in the slides) . The (corrected) slides are [[here|resistencia-dinamica-2020-07-03.pdf]]. 24. ''Classic and exotic Besov spaces induced by good grids.'' [[The Journal of Geometric Analysis 31, 2481–2524 (2021) |]]. [[Preprint at ArXiv|]] 23. ''Solenoidal attractors with bounded combinatorics are shy.'' [[Annals of Mathematics 191, Issue 1, (2020) 1-79|]] [[Preprint at ArXiv|]]. ! 2017-2019 22. ''Shy shadows of infinite-dimensional partially hyperbolic invariant sets.'' [[Ergodic Theory and Dynamical Systems Journal 39 (2019) pp. 1361-1400 |]]. [[Preprint at ArXiv|]]. 21. ''Central limit theorem for generalized Weierstrass functions.'' with Amanda de Lima. [[Stochastic and Dynamics 19, No. 01 (2019) |]] [[Preprint at ArXiv|]]. 20. ''Central limit theorem for the modulus of continuity of averages of observables on transversal families of piecewise expanding unimodal maps.'' with Amanda de Lima. [[Journal of the Institute of Mathematics of Jussieu 17 (2018) , pp. 673-733| ]] [[Preprint at ArXiv|]]. 19. ''Existence of C^k-invariant foliations for Lorenz type maps.'' with José Vidarte. [[Journal of Dynamics and Differential Equations 30 (2018) pp. 227–255 |]] [[Preprint at ArXiv|]]. 18. ''Holomorphic motions for unicritical correspondences.'' with Carlos Siqueira. [[Nonlinearity 30 (2017) 3104–3125.|]]. [[Preprint at ArXiv|]] ! 2014-2016 17. ''A class of cubic Rauzy fractals.'' with Bastos, J., Messaoudi, A. and Rodrigues, T.. [[Theoret. Comput. Sci. 588 (2015), 114–130.| ]] [[Preprint at ArXiv|]]. 16. ''Metric stability for random walks (with applications in renormalization theory).'' [[PDF|]] with [[C. G. Moreira|]] (IMPA). In [[Frontiers in Complex Dynamics: In Celebration of John Milnor's 80th Birthday. |]] Edited by Araceli Bonifant, Misha Lyubich, & Scott Sutherland, Princeton University Press, January 2014. 15. ''Rigidity for piecewise smooth homeomorphisms on the circle.'' with [[Kleyber Cunha (UFBA)|]]. [[ Advances in Mathematics Volume 250, 15 January 2014, Pages 193–226 |]] [[Preprint at ArXiv|]] ! 2011-2013 14. ''Ergodic transport theory and piecewise analytic subactions for analytic dynamics'' with [[A. O. Lopes| ]] and E. R. Oliveira. [[PDF |]] [[ Bull. of the Braz. Math. Soc. New Series 2012, 43, pp 467-512 |]] 13. ''On infinitely cohomologous to zero observables.'' [[PDF|inf_co.pdf]] with Amanda de Lima. [[Ergodic Theory and Dynamical Systems, Volume 33, Issue 02, April 2013, pp 375-399.|]]. 12. ''Renormalization for piecewise smooth homeomorphisms on the circle.'' [[PDF|]] with [[Kleyber Cunha (UFBA)|]]. [[ Annales de l'Institut Henri Poincare (C) Non Linear Analysis Volume 30, Issue 3, May–June 2013, 441–462 |]]. 11. ''Linear response for smooth deformations of generic nonuniformly hyperbolic unimodal maps.'' [[PDF|]] with [[Viviane Baladi|]] (CNRS, ENS). [[ Annales scientifiques de l'ENS 45, fascicule 6 (2012), 861-926|]]. ! 2008-2010 10. ''Renormalization for critical orders close to 2N.'' [[PDF|]] with Judith Cruz. Preprint. 2010. 9. ''Eigenvalues of Fibonacci stochastic adding machine.'' [[PDF|fib.pdf]] with [[Ali Messaoudi|]]. Preprint. 2008. [[Stochastics and Dynamics, 10 (2010), 291-313. |]] 8. ''Alternative proofs of linear response for piecewise expanding unimodal maps.'' [[PDF|spectral.pdf]] with [[Viviane Baladi|]] (CNRS, ENS). Preprint, 2008. [[Ergodic Theory and Dynamical Systems, 30 (2010), 1-20.|]] 7. ''Analyticity of the SRB measure for holomorphic families of quadratic-like Collet - Eckmann maps.'' [[PDF|CE-hol.pdf]] with [[Viviane Baladi|]] (CNRS, ENS). [[Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. 137 (2009), 1431-1437.|]] 6. ''Smooth deformations of piecewise expanding unimodal maps.'' [[PDF|smooth.pdf]] with [[Viviane Baladi|]] (CNRS, ENS). 2007. [[Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems (DCDS-A), 23 (2009), 685 - 703. |]] 5. ''Linear response formula for piecewise expanding unimodal map.'' [[PDF|conja.pdf]] with [[Viviane Baladi|]] (CNRS). [[Nonlinearity 21 (2008) 677-711.|]] ! 2001-2007 4. ''Puzzle geometry and rigidity: The Fibonacci cycle is hyperbolic.'' [[PDF|ren.pdf]] [[J. Amer. Math. Soc. 20 (2007), no. 3, 629-673.|]] 3. ''On the hyperbolicity of the period doubling fixed point.'' [[PDF|hyper.pdf]] [[Trans. Amer. Math. Soc. 358 (2006), no. 4, 1827-1846.|]] 2. ''Phase space universality for multimodal maps. '' [[PDF|multi.pdf]] [[Bull. Braz. Math. Soc, New Series 36 (2005), no. 2, 225-274.|]] 1. ''Complex bounds for multimodal maps: bounded combinatorics.'' [[Nonlinearity 14 (2001), no 5, 1311-1330.|]]
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@@color(gray):Jun 17th 2011, 10:03.@@ I gave a talk in the conference [[Geometric and Algebraic Structures in Mathematics|]] at Stony Brook, May 25-June 4, 2011, a Conference to celebrate Dennis Sullivan’s 70th birthday. The talk was about my current project on renormalization for multimodal maps. The [[video|]] and [[slides|]] are available in the website of the conference. All the talks were recorded and you can see them [[here|]].
<<closeBlog>> As páginas das disciplinas que estou oferecendo neste semestre: [[Cálculo II|]] eu estou criando uma biblioteca de vídeos sobre disciplinas de Matemática. Inicialmente estou realizando vídeos da disciplina Cálculo I (Cálculo de uma variável real). Críticas e sugestões sobre os vídeos são bem vindas!! Os vídeos estão no canal do Youtube [[|]] Abaixo estão disponíveis links para cursos que ofereci no passado, com listas de exercícios, questões de provas, etc: [[Cálculo I|]] [[Geometria analítica| ]] [[Sistemas Dinâmicos (pós-graduação)|]] [[Cálculo III|]] [[Análise I|]] [[Cálculo I|]] [[Equações Diferenciais Ordinárias|]] [[Topologia (pós-graduação)|]] [[Matemática Discreta II|]] [[Matemática Do Ensino Médio II|]] [[Sistemas Dinâmicos (pós-graduação)|]] [[Análise II|]] [[Estruturas algébricas|]] [[Álgebra Linear e Equações Diferenciais Ordinárias|]]
In portuguese ([[Lattes|]]) or in english ( [[ PDF|]] ).
@@color(gray):Jun 17th 2011, 09:27.@@ Estou criando uma biblioteca de vídeos sobre a disciplina Cálculo I. Eles podem ser encontrados aqui Youtube channel: [[smaniamat|]]
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