Publications on Technical Writing


Sandra Maria Aluisio and Rex E. Gantenbein. Towards the Application of Systemic Functional Linguistics in Writing Tools. Published in the Proceedings of the ISCA 12th International Conference, pp. 181-185, 1997. doc-file

Abstract: The goal of this paper is twofold: (1) to present a writing-support tool which uses both text corpora approach for linguistic analysis and text reuse to assist non-native English writers, and (2) to describe an enhancement to the tool's self-review process that uses a Systemic Functional Linguistic (SFL) model of language. SFL provides a framework for categorizing the major text adaptations available to the writer during the self-review process. Making explicit the SFL-based textual reformulation of published English-language papers can provide a way to develop students' academic drafting and revising skills in a foreign language. This approach presents both the reasons for, and the effects of, specific changes made during the self-review process. Explaining the genre writing skills performed by native expert authors in a linguistically-motivated way is a first step in building an effective learning environment for scientific writing.



Aluisio, S.M. and Oliveira Jr. O.N. A Detailed Schematic Structure of Research Paper Introductions: An Application in Support-Writing Tools. Proceedings of XII Congress of SEPLN, Spain, 1996. ps-file

Abstract: Corpus Analysis of 54 naturally occurring introductions of Physics papers led to a detailed schematic structure comprising eight components that are realized linguistically through 30 rhetorical strategies. A strategy is made up of two or three rhetorical messages out a set of 45 messages. Such a detailed analysis was required for employing the case-based reasoning approach in developing writing tools aimed at assisting non-native Emglish users. The introductions and related rhetorical structures formed the case base, with cases easily retrieved and adapted through revision rules.


Aluísio, S.M. and Oliveira, Jr. O.N. A Case-Based Approach for Developing Writing Tools Aimed at Non-native English Users. Lecture Notes In Computer Science 1010, pp. 121-132 (ICCBR' 95), 1995. ps-file

Abstract: A writing tool has been developed for helping non-native English users to produce a first draft of Introductory Sections of scientific papers. A corpus analysis was carried out in 54 papers of Experimental Physics which allowed one to identify the schematic structure of Introductions and 30 rhetorical strategies generally employed. Each one of the Introductions analysed constituted a case. The user chooses from menus features related to the rhetorical strategies for each component and gives the intended order for his/her Introduction, thus forming the requisition. Using three types of metric, the tool recovers the best-match cases that can be later modified in a revision process. Preliminary experiments showed that high precision and recall will only be obtained if the number of cases in the case base is considerably increased. In the revision process, four operations are suggested which consist in modifying/adding/deleting the different rhetorical messages that constitute the strategies of the chosen case.


Fontana, N.; (Caldeira), Aluísio, S.M.; De Oliveira, M.C.F. and Oliveira Jr., O.N. Computer Assisted Writing Aplications to English as a Foreign Language. CALL, Volume 6 (2), pp. 145-161, 1993. ps-file

Abstract: Preliminary results on the use of a computer writing tool aimed at assisting non- native users of English in the preparation of scientific papers are presented. The environment - named AMADEUS - implements a resource based on the compilation of well-written expressions appearing in scientific texts. Template-expressions with blank spaces where reference to specific material is expected are stored in a sentences base and may then be used as reference material by non-native writers. The efficacy of the resource proposed was analysed by the monitoring of texts produced by Brazilian students. Positive aspects which emerged from the use of AMADEUS include helping users to get started with their writing tasks, to improve text organisation, and also to cope with global writing problems in a way other resources can not do.


Oliveira, Jr. O.N.; (Caldeira), Aluísio S.M. and Fontana, N. Chusaurus: A Writing Tool Resource for Non-Native Users of English. In: Computer Science: Research and Applications, R. Baeza-Yates and U. Manber (eds.), Plenum Press, N.Y. pp. 63-72, 1992.

(Caldeira), Aluísio,S.M.; De Oliveira, M.C.F.; Fontana, N.; Nacamatsu, C.O. and Oliveira Jr., O.N. Writing tools for non-native users of English. Proceedings of the XVIII Latinamerican Informatics Conference, Spain, p. 224-231, 1992.

De Oliveira, M.C.F.; (Caldeira), Aluísio, S.M.; Masiero, P.C. & Oliveira Jr., O.N. A Discussion on Human-Computer Interfaces for Writing Support Tools. In Proceedings of the XII International Conference of the Chilean Computer Science Society, Santiago, Chile, pp. 223-233, 1992.


Oliveira, Jr. O.N.; (Caldeira), Aluísio S.M. and Fontana, N. Chusaurus: A Writing Tool Resource for Non-Native Users of English, In Proceedings of the XI International Conference of The Chilean Computer Science Society, pp. 59-70, 1991.