Critical Embedded System Laboratory - LSEC
Distributed System and Concurrency Programming Laboratory - LaSDPC
Mobile Robotics Laboratory - LRM
Department of Computer Systems
Institute of Mathematics and Computer Sciences - ICMC/USP
Av. Trabalhador São-carlense, 400 - Centro
Caixa Postal: 668 - CEP: 13560-970 - São Carlos - SP
Fone: 55 (16) 3373-8174 - Fax: 55 (16) 3373-9751
Room Office 4-202
Kalinka Castelo Branco is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Computer Systems at ICMC/USP.Obtained her PhD degree in Computer Science at the University of São Paulo - ICMC- USP in 2004. Currently she is the coordinator of the Critical Embedded System Laboratory at ICMC/USP. His current research interests are Mobile Robotics, Machine Learning, Computer Vision, and Embedded Systems.
For more information about ongoing reserach projects, please check the Critical Embedded System Laboratory - LSEC, Distributed System and Concurrency Programming Laboratory- LaSDPC and Mobile Robotics Laboratory - LRM web pages.
Publications info are available at CV Lattes.
Education material are available at Coteia Wiki.