Carlos H. Grossi

carlosI am an associate professor at the University of São Paulo in São Carlos.

My main research interests are geometric structures  on manifolds, especially (complex) hyperbolic structures on low-dimensional manifolds, natural classification/moduli problems in classic geometries, geometry at infinity, and volume-related problems in three-dimensional real hyperbolic geometry.

Recently I am also interested in applications of geometry & topology to machine learning.

You can find my CV here.
My publications and preprints are also available on the arXiv.

Contact information:

Instituto de Ciências Matemáticas e de Computação
Departamento de Matemática - ICMC USP São Carlos
Av. Trabalhador São-Carlense 400
São Carlos, São Paulo 13566-590 Brasil


Past events
Teaching material (written mainly by Sasha Anan'in in Portuguese)