Francisco A. Rodrigues Website

Francisco Rodrigues

Complex Systems and Data Science | University of São Paulo

Francisco A. Rodrigues
Institute of Mathematics and Computer Science,
University of São Paulo
(São Carlos - Brazil).

Welcome to my professional home page. I am a Full Professor of Complex Systems and Data Science at the Institute of Mathematics and Computer Science, University of São Paulo, and head of the Complex Systems Group. I'm interested in understanding complex systems' structure and dynamics through simulations and statistical and data science methods. My research encompasses diverse applications spanning economic, social, ecological, neural, climate and epidemic spread domains. Theoretical investigations delve into the analysis of dynamic processes occurring within complex networks. Examples include the spread of epidemics, cooperation and the synchronization of coupled oscillators. Some of my main current and previous projects can be found in this link (all projects funded by Fapesp). If you need further information on my research or are interested in collaboration with us, please don't hesitate to contact me.