The publications are divided in five parts:









1.      Co-editor (with B. Verma and T. Ludermir) of the International Journal of Computational Intelligence and Applications, IJCIA, Imperial College Press, UK and World Scientific, Singapore.

2.      Co-editor (with S. Kremer) of the special edition "Non-Gradient Learning Techniques" of the International Journal of Neural Systems, IJNS, World Scientific, Vol. 11, No. 6, December 2001

3.      One of the Associate Editors of the Special Issue of the II Icobicobi, of the Genetics and Molecular Research Journal, Vol. 3, No. 4, December 2004.

4.      co-editor (with A. Araújo) of the Special Issue "Brazilian Symposium on Neural Netowrks" of the Neurocomputing, Elsevier, expected to be published in 2006.

5.      Co-editor (with A. Araújo) of the special edition "Brazilian Symposium on Neural Netowrks" of the Journal of Intelligent Fuzzy Systems (JIFS), World Scientific, expected to be published in 2007.

6.      Co-editor (with M. Cardoso and J. Gama) Special Issue on Data Mining Applications in Retailing and Consumer Services of the
Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, Elsevier, expected to be published in 2007.





  1. A. C. P. F. de Carvalho, M. C. Fairhurst and D. L. Bisset: Classifying Images Using Goal Seeking Neural Network Architectures. IEE Proceedings-I Communications, Speech and Vision, Vol. 140, Num. 1, pages 12-18, February 1993. ISSN: 1350-2425

  2. A. C. P. F. de Carvalho, M. C. Fairhurst and D. L. Bisset: A Progressive Learning Algorithm for GSN Feedforward Neural Architectures. IEE Electronic Letters, Vol. 30, Num. 6, pages 506-507, March 1994. ISSN 0013-5194

  3. A. C. P. F. de Carvalho, M. C. Fairhurst and D. L. Bisset: An Integrated Boolean Neural Network for Pattern Classification. Pattern Recognition Letters, Vol. 15, pages 807-813, August 1994. ISSN: 0167-8655

  4. A. C. P. F. de Carvalho, M. C. Fairhurst and D. L. Bisset: Combining Boolean Neural Architectures for Image Recognition. Connection Science, Vol. 9, No. 4, pages 405-418, December 1997. ISSN 0954-0091

  5. A. C. P. F. de Carvalho and M. C. Fairhurst: Applying Adaptice Logic Networks to Character Recognition.  Pattern Recognition Letters, Vol. 19, No. 5-6, pages 469-473, North-Holand, April 1998. ISSN: 0167-8655

  6. A. C. B. Delbem, N. G. Bretas and A. C. P. F. de Carvalho: Energy Restoration in Distribution Systems Using Search with fuzzy heuristics. Engineering Intelligent Systems for Electrical Engineering and Communications (now Engineering Intelligent Systems), Vol. 6, No. 4, pages 29-37, CRL Publishing Ltd., December 1998. ISSN 1472-8915

  7. T. Ludermir, A. C. P. F. de Carvalho, A. Braga and M. Souto: Weightless Neural Models: a review of current and past work. Published in the Journal Neural Computing Surveys, pages 41-61, volume 2, 1999. ISSN 1093-7609.

  8. C. Nobre, E. Martineli, A.  Braga, A. C. P. F. de Carvalho, S. Rezende, J. Braga and T. Ludermir: Knowledge extraction: a comparison between symbolic and connectionist methods. Published in the International Journal of Neural Systems. Vol. 9, No. 3, pages 257-264, World Scientific Press. October 1999. ISSN: 0129-0657.

  9. A. C. P. F. de Carvalho and M. Brizotti: Combining RBF Networks Trained with Different Clustering Techniques, Journal Neural Processing Letters, Vol. 14, pages 227-240, Kluwer Academic Publishers, December 2001. ISSN: 1370-4621.

  10. E. Lacerda, A. C. P. F. de Carvalho and T. Ludermir: Evolutionary Design of Radial Basis Function Networks, International Journal of Neural Systems, Vol. 11, No. 3, pages 287-294, World Scientific Press, June 2001. ISSN: 0129-0657,

  11. A. Riul Jr, D.S. dos Santos Jr, K. Wohnrath, R. Di Tommazo, A.C.P.L.F. Carvalho, F.J. Fonseca, O.N. Oliveira Jr, D.M. Taylor and L.H.C. Mattoso: An artificial taste sensor: Efficient combination of sensors made from Langmuir-Blodgett films of conducting polymers and a ruthenium complex and self-assembled films of an azobenzene-containing polymer. Langmuir, 18, 239-245, American Chemical Society, January 2002. ISSN: 0743-7463

  12. P. Leite, A. Carneiro and A. C. P. F. de Carvalho: Energetic Operation Planning Using Genetic Algorithms. IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, Vol. 17, No. 1, pages 173-179, February 2002. ISSN 0885-8950.

  13. C. R. Milaré, A. C. P. de L. F. de Carvalho and M. C. Monard: An Approach to Explain Neural Networks using Symbolic Algorithms. International Journal of Computational Intelligence and Applications, Vol. 2, No. 4, pages 365-376, December 2002. ISSN: 1469-0268

  14. E. G. M Lacerda, A. P. L. F. de Carvalho and T. Ludermir: Model Selection via Genetic Algorithms for RBF Networks. Journal of Intelligent and Fuzzy Systems, Vol. 13, N0. 2-4, pages 111-122, IOS Press, 2003. ISNN 1064-1246.

  15. R. Macedo, D. Silva, D. V. Coury and A. P. L. F. de Carvalho: A Genetic Algorithm Based Approach to Track Voltage and Current Harmonics in Electrical Power Systems. Journal of Intelligent and Fuzzy Systems, Vol. 13, N0. 2-4, pages 167-175, IOS Press, 2003. ISNN 1064-1246.

  16. L. Zhao, R. A. Furukawa and A. P. L. F. de Carvalho: A Network of Coupled Chaotic Maps for Adaptive Multi-Resolution Image Segmentation. International Journal of Neural Systems, Vol. 13, No. 2, pages 131-140, World Scientific Press, 2003. ISSN 0129-0657.

  17. A. C. B. Delbem, A. C. P. F. de Carvalho and N. G. Bretas: Optimal Energy Restoration in Radial Distribution Systems Using a Genetic Approach and Graph Chain Representation. Electric Power Systems Research Journal, Vol. 67, No. 3, pages 197-205. Elsevier, 2003. ISNN 0378-7796

  18. K. Faceli, A. C. P. F. de Carvalho and S. Resende: Combining Intelligent Techniques for Sensor Fusion, Applied Intelligence, Vol. 20, N. 3, pages 199-213. Kluwer, 2004. ISNN 0924-669X.

  19. Antonio Riul Jr, Humberto Sousa, André C.P.L.F. Carvalho, David S. dos Santos Jr, Oswaldo N. Oliveira Jr and Luiz H.C. Mattoso: Wine classification by taste sensors made from ultrathin films and using neural networks, Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical, Vol. 98, pages 77-82.  Elsevier, 2004. ISSN 0925-4005

  20. A. C. B. Delbem, A. C. P. F. de Carvalho and N. G. Bretas: Graph Chain Representation Associated to an Evolutionary Algorithm for Restoration of Radial Distribution Systems. Engineering Intelligent Systems for Electrical Engineering and Communications, Vol. 12, pages 3-12, ISSN 0969-1170, CRL Publishing, 2004.

  21. L. Zhao, A. P. L. F. de Carvalho and Z. Li: Pixel Clustering by Adaptive Pixel Moving and Chaotic Synchronization, IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks, Vol. 15, No. 5, pages 1176-1185, IEEE, 2004.

  22. A. Damiance, L. Zhao and A. P. L. F. de Carvalho: A dynamical model with adaptive pixel moving for microarray image segmentation. Accepted for Bioimaging Special Issue of the Journal Real Time Imaging, Vol. 10, No. 4, pages 189-195, Elsevier, 2004. ISSN 1077-2014.

  23. K. Faceli, A. C. P. L. F. de Carvalho and W. A Silva Jr: Evaluation of Gene Selection Metrics for Tumor Cell Classification, Genetics and Molecular Biology, pages 651-657, Vol. 27, No. 4, December, 2004. ISSN 1415-4757 printed version ISSN 1678-4685 online version,

  24. A. C. Lorena and A. C. P. L. F. de Carvalho: Evaluation of Noise Reduction Techniques in the Splice Junction Recognition Problem, Genetics and Molecular Biology, pages 665-672, Vol. 27, No. 4, December, 2004. ISSN 1415-4757 printed version ISSN 1678-4685 online version,

  25. R. C. Prati, M. Carolina Monard and André Carlos Ponce de Leon Ferreira de Carvalho: Looking for Exceptions on Knowledge Rules Induced from HIV Cleavage Data Set, Genetics and Molecular Biology, pages 637-643, Vol. 27, No. 4, December, 2004. ISSN 1415-4757 printed version ISSN 1678-4685 online version,

  26. B. Feres de Souza and A. C. P. F. de Carvalho: Gene Selection based on Multi-class SVMs and Genetic Algorithms, Genetics and Molecular Research, Vol. 4, No. 3, pages 599-607, ISSN 1676-5680, September 2005. Online Journal, 

  27. E. Spinosa and A. C. P. F. de Carvalho: SVMs for novel class detection in Bioinformatics, Genetics and Molecular Research, Vol. 4, No. 3, pages 608-615, ISSN 1676-5680, September 2005, Online Journal,

  28. A. C. B. Delbem, A. C. P. F. de Carvalho and N. G. Bretas: Main Chain Representation for Evolutionary Algorithm Applied to Distribution System Reconfiguration, IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, IEEE, pages 425-436, Vol. 20, No. 1, February 2005. ISSN 0885-8950.

  29. E. G. M Lacerda, A. P. L. F. de Carvalho A. P. Braga and T. Ludermir: Evolutionary Radial Basis Functions for Credit Assessment, pages 167-181, Vol. 22, No. 3, Applied Intelligence, ISNN 0924-669X, Springer, May 2005.

  30. A. Valério Neto, A. C. P. F. de Carvalho: Classifier Combination Applied for Understanding of Eyes Images, International Journal of Computational Intelligence and Applications, pages 393-406, Vol. 5, No. 3, September 2005. ISSN: 1469-0268

  31. C. A. Policastro, A. C. P. F. de Carvalho and A. Delbem: Automatic Knowledge Learning and Case Adaptation with a Hybrid Committee Approach, Journal of Applied Logic (JAL), pages 26-38, Vol. 4, No. 1, Elsevier, 2006. ISSN: 1570-8683.  

  32. R. Tinós and A. C. P. F. de Carvalho: Use of Gene Dependent Mutation Probability in Evolutionary Neural Networks for Non-Stationary Problems, pages 44-54, vol. 70, No. 1-3, Neurocomputing, Elsevier. 2006  ISSN 0925-2312 .

  33. A. C. Lorena and A. C. P. L. F. de Carvalho:  Protein Cellular Localization with Multiclass Support Vector Machines and Decision Trees, pages 115-125, Vol. 37, No. 2, Computers in Biology and Medicine, Elsevier. 2007.

  34.  B. Feres de Souza and A. C. P. F. de Carvalho: Applying genetic algorithms and SVMs to the gene selection problem. Accepted for the International Journal of Fuzzy and Intelligent Systems. 2007.

  35. A. C. Lorena and A. C. P. L. F. de Carvalho: Evolutionary Design of Multiclass SVMs Applied to Protein Structural Class Prediction. Accepted for the International Journal of Fuzzy and Intelligent Systems. 2007.

  36.  A. P. S. Braga, A. P. L. F. Carvalho and J. F. Oliveira: Intelligent Monitoring of Dressing Operations Based on Textural Features of Acoustic Maps. Accepted for the International Journal of Manufacturing Technology and Management (IJMTM). Interscience Publishers. 2007

  37. C. A. Policastro, A. C. P. F. de Carvalho and A. Delbem: A Hybrid Case Adaptation Approach for Case-Based Reasoning. Accepted for the Journal  Applied Intelligence (Boston), 2007.


  1. 1. A. C. B. Delbem, N. G. Bretas and A. C. P. F. de Carvalho: Algoritmo de Busca com Heurísticas Fuzzy para Restabelecimento de Energia em Sistemas de Distribuição Radiais (in Portuguese). Published in the Journal Controle & Automação, printed by the Brazilian Society of Automation, Vol. 11, No. 1, pages 55-60, February 2000. ISSN 0103-1759.

  2. 2.      A. C. B. Delbem, N. G. Bretas and A. C. P. F. de Carvalho: Estudo da viabilidade de uma aplicação de algoritmos genéticos em restabelecimento de energia, Engenharia e Arquitetura,Vol. 1 N. 1, pages 58 a 65, jan/mar 2000, ISSN 1415-0573, Escola de Engenharia de São Carlos, Universidade de São Paulo.

  3. 3.      A. C. B. Delbem, N. G. Bretas and A. C. P. F. de Carvalho: Representacao por Cadeias de Grafo para AG aplicados ao Restabelecimento de Energia Otimo em Sistemas de Distribuicao Radiais (in Portuguese). Journal Controle & Automação, Brazilian Society of Automation, Vol. 12, No. 1, pages 42-51, February 2001. ISSN 0103-1759.

  4. 4.      E. G. M. de Lacerda, A.C.P. L. F. de Carvalho, T. B. Ludermir: Um tutorial sobre algoritmos genéticos (in Portuguese). Revista de Informática Teórica e Aplicada – RITA, Vol. 9  N. 3, pages 109-139, December 2002.

  5. 5.      R. C. Prati, M. C. Monard and A. C. P. L. F. de Carvalho: Refinando Regras de Conhecimento por meio de Exceções, Vol. 14, No. 2, pp 115-132, Scientia, Universidade do Vale dos Sinos, Unisinos, July-December 2003, ISSN 0104-1770.

  6. 6.      C. Policastro, A. C. P. F. de Carvalho and A. Delbem: Abordagem Híbrida para Adaptação de Casos em Sistemas de Raciocínio Baseado em Casos, Vol. 14, No. 2, pp 207-221, Scientia, Universidade do Vale dos Sinos, Unisinos, July-December 2003, ISSN 0104-1770.

  7. 7.      K. Faceli, A. C. P. F. de Carvalho and W. A. da Silva Jr.: Gene Selection for Tumor Cell Classification, Vol. 14, No. 2, pp 309-324, Scientia, Universidade do Vale dos Sinos, Unisinos, July-December 2003, ISSN 0104-1770.

  8. R. Bianchi, C. R. Milaré, A. C. P. de L. F. de Carvalho: Promoter and Splice Site Identification with Explanation by Extracting Knowledge from Artificial Neural Networks, Vol. 3, No. 1, pages 21-26, Revista da Tecnologia da Informação, Universidade Católica de Brasília, December 2003. ISSN 1516-9197

  9. R. C. Prati, M. C. Monard and A. C. P. L. F. de Carvalho: A Method for Refining Knowledge Rules Using Exceptions, Electronic Journal SADIO (EJS), Published by the Sociedad Argentina de Informática e Investigación Operativa, SADIO, Vol. 6, No. 1, pp 53-65, 2004, ISSN 1514 - 6774.

  10. Silvia Helena Modenese Gorla da Silva, Humberto da Costa, André Carlos Ponce de Leon, Ferreira de Carvalho and William Natale: Redes Neurais Artificiais  e Agricultura de Precisão para Recomendação de da Cultura da Goiabeira. Aceito para o periódico Revista Brasileira de Agrocomputação, RBAC, Publicado pela Universidade Estadual de Ponta Grossa, Ponta Grossa, PR, 2004, ISSN 1676-0425.

  11. 11.  A. Bazzan and A.C.P. de Carvalho: Multi-agent Systems and Machine Learning Facilitating Genome Annotation. Revista de Informática Teórica e Aplicada – RITA, Vol. 12  No. 1, pages 83-110, June 2005.

  12. 12.  G. L. Libralão, A. V. Neto, A. C. P. F. de Carvalho and M. C. F. Oliveira: Determinação de Vícios Refrativos Ovulares Utilizando Support Vector Machines (SVMs), pages 146-158, Vol. 16, No. 2, Controle & Automação, Brazilian Society of Automation, 2005. ISSN 0103-1759.

  13. 13.  M. Coelho Naldi and A. C. P. L. F. de Carvalho: Utilização de Algoritmos de Aprendizado de Máquina Evolutivos para Análise de Nível Expressão Gênica, Revista Eletrônica de Iniciação Científica da SBC, REIC pages 21-33, Vol. 5, No. 3, Junho 2006, pages, September 2005. reic/  ISSN 1519-8219.

  14. 14.  P. Leite, A. Carneiro and A. C. P. F. de Carvalho: Aplicação de Algoritmos Genéticos na Determinação da Operação Ótima de Sistemas Hidrotérmicos de Potência (in Portuguese). Journal Controle & Automação, Brazilian Society of Automation, Vol. 17, No. 1, pages 81-88, February and March 2006. ISSN 0103-1759.

  15. 15.  A. P. S. Braga, A. C. P. L. F. de Carvalho, and J. F. G.  Oliveira: Classificação de mapas acústicos para a automação do monitoramento. Máquinas e Metais, No. 484, pages.162-177. May 2006. ISSN: 0025-2700

  16. 16.  P. L. B. dos Santos, A. C.P.L.F. de Carvalho and A. Riul Júnior: Utilização de Redes Neurais Artificiais Para Classificação de Diferentes Soluções Ultra-Diluídas, published in the Journal Revista Eletrônica de Iniciação Científica da Sociedade Brasileira de Computação (Journal of undergraduate research, Brazilian Computer Society), REIC, pages 64-79, Vol. 6, No. 2, June 2006. reic/  ISSN 1519-8219.

  17. 17.  B. N. Rodrigues, R. Mello, A. C. P. L. F. de Carvalho: Escalonamento de processos utilizando técnicas de ACO, published in the Journal Revista Eletrônica de Iniciação Científica da Sociedade Brasileira de Computação (Journal of undergraduate research, Brazilian Computer Society), REIC, pages 64-79, Vol. 6, No. 2, Sptember 2006. reic/  ISSN 1519-8219.



  1. M. C. Fairhurst, A. C. P. F. de Carvalho, K. D. Cowley and D. L. Bisset : A Parallel Approach to the Real-Time Classification of Handprinted Characters. Proceedings of the IWFHR-2 International Workshop, pages 93-100, Tolouse, France, September 1991.

  2. A. C. P. F. de Carvalho, M. C. Fairhurst, D. L. Bisset and E. C. Filho : An Analysis of Self-Organising Networks Based on Goal Seeking Neurons. Proceedings of the II IEE International Conference on Artificial Neural Networks, pages 257-261, Bournemouth, UK, November 1991.

  3. A. C. P. F. de Carvalho, M. C. Fairhurst and D. L. Bisset : Goal Seeking Neuron Network Architectures for Image Classification Applications. Proceedings of the IV IEE International Conference on Image Processing and its Applications, pages 205-208, Maastricht, Netherland, April 1992.

  4. A. C. P. F. de Carvalho, M. C. Fairhurst and D. L. Bisset : SOFT - a Boolean Self Organising Feature Extractor. Proceedings of the ICANN 92, pages 669-672, Brighton, UK, September 1992, Elsevier Publishing Company.

  5. A. C. P. F. de Carvalho, M. C. Fairhurst and D. L. Bisset : A Lazy Learning Approach to the Training of GSN Neural Networks. Proceedings of the ICANN 92, pages 673-676, Brighton, UK, September 1992, Elsevier Publishing Company.

  6. A. C. P. F. de Carvalho, M. C. Fairhurst and D. L. Bisset : Self-organising Neural Networks for Two-Dimensional Image Classification: a Boolean network approach. Proceedings of the International Symposium on Signals, Systems and Electronics - ISSSE 92, pages 27-30, Paris, France, September 1992, URSI.

  7. A. C. P. F. de Carvalho, M. C. Fairhurst and D. L. Bisset : Integrated Boolean Neural Networks for Feature Extraction and  Image Classification. Proceedings of the IEE Colloquium on Neural Networks for Image Applications, pages 2.1-2.3, Institute of Electrical Engineers, Savoy Place, London, UK, October 1992.

  8. A. C. P. F. de Carvalho, M. C. Fairhurst and D. L. Bisset: A Self-Organising Feature Extraction Architecture for Boolean Networks. Proceedings of the Weightless Neural Network Workshop'93, pages 76-81, York, UK, April 1993.

  9. A. C. P. F. de Carvalho, M. C. Fairhurst and D. L. Bisset: A Modular Boolean Architecture for Pattern Recognition. Proceedings of the IEEE World Congress on Computational Intelligence, pages 4349-4352, Orlando, USA, June 1994.

  10. A. C. P. F. de Carvalho, M. C. Fairhurst and D. L. Bisset: Learning Strategies to Train GSNf Neural Networks. Proceedings of Weightless Neural Network Workshop'95, pages 128-133, Canterbury, UK, September 1995.

  11. A. C. P. F. de Carvalho, M. C. Fairhurst and D. L. Bisset: Image Classification Using an Integrated Neural Architecture Based on Boolean Nodes. Proceedings of Weightless Neural Network Workshop'95, pages 111-116, Canterbury, UK, September 1995.

  12. A. C. P. F. de Carvalho, M. Fairhurst and D. Bisset: Training Algorithms for GSNf Neural Networks, Proceedings of II Workshop on Cybernetic Vision, II WVC, pages 74-79, São Carlos, Brazil, December 1996, IEEE Computer Press.

  13. A. Delbem, A. C. P. F. de Carvalho and N. Bretas: Optimal Energy Restoration in Distributed Systems using Genetic Algorithms. Proceedings of the International Conference on Computational Intelligence and Multimedia Applications, ICCIMA'97, pages 150-154, Gold Coast, Australia, February 1997.

  14. A. Cansian, E. Moreira and A. C. P. F. de Carvalho: Network Intrusion Detection using Neural Networks. Proceedings of the International Conference on Computational Intelligence and Multimedia Applications, ICCIMA'97, pages 276-280, Gold Coast, Australia, February 1997.

  15. A. Cansian, E. Moreira, R. Mouro, F. Morishita and A. C. P. F. de Carvalho: An Adaptative System for Detecting Intrusion in Networks. Proceedings of the III International Congress on Information Engineering, pages 96-105, Buenos Aires, Argentina, April 1997.

  16. A. Bretas, A. Delbem, L. Alberto, D. Coury and A. C. P. F. de Carvalho: Implementation and Test of a Distance Relay using Artificial Neural Networks. Proceedings of the International Conference on Engineering Applications of Neural Networks, EANN'97, pages 261-268, Stockholm, Sweden, June, 1997.

  17. A. Delbem, N. Bretas and A. C. P. F. de Carvalho: Energy Restoration in Distribution Systems Using Search with fuzzy heuristics. Published in the proceedings of the 29th North American Power Symposium, pages 295-300, Laramie, USA, October 1997.

  18. E. Mendes Filho and A. C. P. F. de Carvalho: Evolutionary Design of MLP Neural Network Architectures. Proceedings IV Simpósio Brasileiro de Redes Neurais (Brazilian Symposium on Neural Networks), SBRN'97 – International Track, pages 58-65, Goiania, Brazil, December 1997, IEEE Computer Press.

  19. E. Mendes Filho, A. C. P. F. de Carvalho and A. Matias: Credit Assessment Using Evolutionary MLP Networks. Decision Technologies for Computational Finance, Proceedings of the fifth International Comference Computational Finance, CF'97, pages 365-371, London, UK, 1997, Advances in Computational Management Science, Kluwer Academic Publishers.

  20. E Vargas, M Alvarez and A. C. P. F. de Carvalho: Multi-Thread Object Oriented Simulator of Ontogenic Neural Networks. Proceedings of the International Conference on Computational Intelligence and Multimedia Applications, ICCIMA'98, pages 276-281, Victoria, Australia, February 1998, World Scientific.

  21.  P. Prampero and A. C. P. F. de Carvalho: Recognition of Vehicles Using Combination of Classifiers. Proceedings of the IEEE World Congress on Computational Intelligence, WCCI’98, Anchorage, USA, May 1998.

  22. E. Martineli, H. Diniz, A. C. P. F. de Carvalho and S. Rezende: Bankruptcy Prediction Using Connectionist and Symbolic Learning Algorithms. Proceedings of the IEEE World Congress on Computational Intelligence, WCCI’98, Anchorage, USA, May 1998.

  23. P. Horst, T. Padilha, C. Rocha, S. Rezende and A. C. P. F. de Carvalho: Knowledge Acquisition Using Symbolic and Connectionist Algorithms for Credit Evaluation. Proceedings of the IEEE World Congress on Computational Intelligence, WCCI’98, Anchorage, USA, May 1998.

  24. J. Bonifácio Jr., A. Cansian, A. C. P. F. de Carvalho and E. Moreira: Neural Networks Applied in Intrusion Detection Systems. Proceedings of the IEEE World Congress on Computational Intelligence, WCCI’98, Anchorage, USA, May 1998.

  25. P. Leite, A. Carneiro and A. C. P. F. de Carvalho: Optimal Planning of Energetic Operation Using Genetic Algorithms. Proceendings of the IASTED International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Soft Computing, pages 117-120, Cancum, Mexico, May 1998.

  26. A. Souza, F. Lanças, J. Vilegas, R. Romero and A. C. P. F. de Carvalho: Chemical Classification of Monoterpenes by Their Mass Spectra Using Artificial Neural Networks of the Multilayer Perceptron Model. Proceedings of the 20th International Symposium on Capillary Chromatography, CD media, Riva del Garda, Italy, May, 1998. (Poster award)

  27. A. N. Furtado, E. Kawamoto and A. C. P. F. de Carvalho: Evaluation and Ranking of Transportation Projects Using Neural Network. Proceedings of the 8th World Conference on Transport Research, Atwerp, Holand, July 1998.

  28. A. Carneiro, D. Silva Filho, A. C. P. F. de Carvalho and P. Leite: Genetic Algorithms Applied to Hydrothermal System Scheduling. Proceedings of the International Conference on Power System Technology, POWERCON’98, pages 547-551, Beijin, China, August 1998.

  29. A. Delbem, N. Bretas and A. C. P. F. de Carvalho: Optimal Energy Restoration for General Distribution Systems by Genetical Algorithms. Proceedings of the International Conference on Power System Technology, POWERCON’98, pages 43-47, Beijin, China, August 1998.

  30. W. Hanisch, A. C. P. F. de Carvalho and E. Pires: A Neural Network Model to Predict Parameters of a Wastewater Treatment Plant. Proceedings of the third International Conference on Hydroinformatics, Copenhagen, Dinamarca, August 1998.

  31. J. Bonifácio Jr., A. Cansian, E. Moreira and A. C. P. F. de Carvalho: An Adaptive Intrusion Detection System Using Neural Networks. Proceedings of the IFIP World Computer Congress - Security in Information Systems, IFIP-SEC'98, 13 pages, Viena, Austria, August/September 1998.

  32. A. Delbem, N. Bretas and A. C. P. F. de Carvalho: A GA Approach for Optimal Energy Restoration in Radial Distribution Systems. Proceedings of the third Portuguese Conference on Automatic Control, Coimbra, Portugal, September 1998.

  33. A.N. Furtado, E. Kawamoto, A. C. P. F. de Carvalho: Neural network to transportation decision maker. Published in the Proceedings of the Fourth International Conference on Decision Science, Perth, Australia, 1998.

  34. M. Rosa, J. Pereira and A. C. P. F. de Carvalho: Validation of Neural Classifiers Using Statistical Methods for Identification of Laryngeal Pathologies. Proceedings of the V Simpósio Brasileiro de Redes Neurais (Brazilian Symposium on Neural Networks), SBRN'98International Track, pages 220-225, Belo Horizonte, Brazil, December 1998. IEEE Computer Press.

  35. E. Filho and A. C. P. F. de Carvalho: Target Recognition Using Evolutionary Neural Networks. V Simpósio Brasileiro de Redes Neurais (Brazilian Symposium on Neural Networks), SBRN'98International Track, pages 226-231, Belo Horizonte, Brazil, December 1998. IEEE Computer Press.

  36. M. Oleskovicz, D. Coury and A. C. P. F. de Carvalho: Artificial Neural Networks Applied to Power System Protection. V Simpósio Brasileiro de Redes Neurais (Brazilian Symposium on Neural Networks), SBRN'98International Track, pages 247-252, Belo Horizonte, Brazil, December 1998. IEEE Computer Press.

  37. A. Carneiro, P. Leite and A. C. P. F. de Carvalho: A Genetic Algorithm Approach to Optmize the Operation Planning of Hydrothermal System Scheduling. V Simpósio Brasileiro de Redes Neurais (Brazilian Symposium on Neural Networks), SBRN'98International Track, Belo Horizonte, Brazil, December 1998, pages 253-258, IEEE Computer Press.

  38. E. Vargas, H. de Souza and A. C. P. F. de Carvalho: Automatic Target Recognition using a Constructive Approach. V Simpósio Brasileiro de Redes Neurais (Brazilian Symposium on Neural Networks), SBRN'98International Track, pages 112-117, Belo Horizonte, Brazil, December 1998. IEEE Computer Press.

  39. H. de Sousa and A. C. P. F. de Carvalho: Pattern Recognition Using Constructive Algorithms. Proceedings of the International Joint Conference on Neural Networks, IJCNN'99, (CD-media), Washington, USA, July 1999.

  40. C. Caulkins, R. Oliveira, S. Rezende, A. C. P. F. de Carvalho and M. C. Monard: Applying Neural Networks to Determine Vibration Parameters in a Turbine. Proceedings of the International Joint Conference on Neural Networks, IJCNN'99, (CD-media), Washington, USA, July 1999.

  41. R. Ferrari, A. C. P. F. de Carvalho, P. Marques and A. Frere: Computerized Classification of Breast Lesions: shape and texture analysis using an artificial neural network. Proceedings of the Seventh International Conference on Image Processing and its Applications, IPA'99, pages 517-521, Manchester, UK, July 1999.

  42. M. Brizotti and A. C. P. F. de Carvalho: The Influence of Clustering Techniques in the RBF Networks Generalization. Proceedings of the Seventh International Conference on Image Processing and its Applications, IPA'99, pages 87-92, Manchester, UK, July 1999.

  43. P. Prampero and A. C. P. F. de Carvalho: Classifier Combination for Vehicle Silhouettes Recognition. Proceedings of the Seventh International Conference on Image Processing and its Applications, IPA'99, pages 67-71, Manchester, UK, July 1999.

  44. A. Carneiro, P. Leite and A. C. P. F. de Carvalho: Application of genetic algorithms to define the optimal operation of hydroelectric power systems. Proceedings of the International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Soft Computing, IASTED, pages 591-595, Honolulu, USA, August 1999.

  45. M. Rosa, J. Pereira, M. Grellet and A. C. P. F. de Carvalho: Signal Processing and Statistical Procedures to Identify Laryngeal Pathologie. 6th IEEE International Conference on Electronics, Circuits and Systems, ICECS'99 (CD-media, 4 pages), Pafos, Cyprus, September 1999.

  46.  H. Diniz, L. de Andrade, A. C. P. F. de Carvalho and M. de Andrade: Architecture design of artificial neural networks based on box & jenkins models for time series prediction. Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Computational Intelligence and Multimedia Applications, ICCIMA'99, pages 29-34, New Dheli, India, September 1999, IEEE Computer Press.

  47. H. de Sousa and A. C. P. F. de Carvalho: Credit assessment using constructive neural networks. Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Computational Intelligence and Multimedia Applications, ICCIMA'99, pages 40-44, New Dheli, India, September 1999, IEEE Computer Press.

  48. E. Lacerda and A. C. P. F. de Carvalho: Credit analysis using radial basis function networks. Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Computational Intelligence and Multimedia Applications, ICCIMA'99, pages 138-142, New Dheli, India, September 1999, IEEE Computer Press.

  49. G. E. A. P. A. Batista, A. C. P. F. de Carvalho and M. C. Monard: Applying One-sided Selection to Unbalanced Datasets. Proceedings of the Mexican International Conference on Artificial Intelligence, MICAI'2000, pages 315-325, Lecture Notes of Artificial Intelligence, Springer-Verlag, April 2000, best paper award.

  50. M. Brizotti and A. C. P. F. de Carvalho: Comparing Different Clustering Techniques RBF Networks Training. To be published in the Proceedings of the VI Simpósio Brasileiro de Redes Neurais (Brazilian Symposium on Neural Networks), SBRN'2000 International Track, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, November 2000, IEEE Computer Press.

  51. E. de Lacerda, A. C. P. F. de Carvalho and T. Ludermir: Evolutionary Optimization of RBF Networks. To be published in the Proceedings of the VI Simpósio Brasileiro de Redes Neurais (Brazilian Symposium on Neural Networks), SBRN'2000 International Track, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, November 2000, IEEE Computer Press.

  52. B. K. Verma, A. de Carvalho, de, A. and K. Kumar: An Algorithm for Analysis and Validation of Segmentation Points in Oversegmented Cursive Handwriting, Proceedings of the International Conference on Knowledge Based Computer Systems (KBCS), pages. 13-23, Mumbai, India. 2000

  53. A. Delbem, N. Bretas and A. C. P. F. de Carvalho: Estimating the number of forests created by two edge changes. Accepted for the IEEE Power Tech Conference’2001, pages 1-6, Porto, Portugal, September 2001.

  54. A. Delbem, N. Bretas and A. C. P. F. de Carvalho: A Fast Algorithm For Generation of Forest: Apllied in Distribution System Reconfiguration. Accepted for the IEEE Power Tech Conference’2001, pages 7-13, Porto, Portugal, September 2001.

  55. K. Faceli, A. C. P. F. de Carvalho and S. Rezende: Experiments on Machine Learning Techniques for Sensor Fusion. Proceedings of the IV International Conference on Computational Intelligence and Multimedia Applications, ICCIMA'01, pages 395-399, Yokosuka City, Japan, October 2001.

  56. C. Milaré, A. C. P. F. de Carvalho and M. Monard: Extracting Rules from Neural Networks Using Symbolic Algorithms: Preliminary Results. Proceedings of the IV International Conference on Computational Intelligence and Multimedia Applications, ICCIMA'01, pages 384-388, Yokosuka City, Japan, October 2001.

  57. R. Sovat and A. C. P. F. de Carvalho: A Case-Based Reasoning Development Environment. Proceedings of the IV International Conference on Computational Intelligence and Multimedia Applications, ICCIMA'01, pages 374-378, Yokosuka City, Japan, October 2001.

  58. R. Sovat and A. C. P. F. de Carvalho: RaBeCa: A Hybrid Case-Based Reasoning Development Environment. Proceedings of the Thirteenth Annual International Conference on Tools with Artificial Intelligence (ICTAI-2001), Dallas, Estados Unidos, pages 61-68, November 2001.

  59. C. Milaré, A. C. P. F. de Carvalho and M. Monard: Extracting Knowledge from Artificial Neural Networks: an Empirical Comparison of Trepan and Symbolic Learning Algorithms. Anais da Mexican International Conference on Artificial Intelligence, MICAI'2002, Lecture Notes on Artificial Intelligence, LANAI 2313, Melida, Mexico, pages 272-281, Vol. 2313, April 2002.

  60. A. C. B. Delbem, N. G. Bretas and A. C. P. L. Carvalho: Load Flow Using the Graph Chain Representation, Proceedings of the IEEE/PES T\&D 2002 Latin America, São Paulo, March 2002 (5 pages in CD).

  61. A. C. B. Delbem, N. G. Bretas and A. C. P. L. Carvalho: Distribution System Reconfiguration using Graph Chain representation. Proceedings of the IEEE/PES T\&D 2002 Latin America, São Paulo, March 2002 (5 pages in CD).

  62. Estefane Lacerda, Teresa Ludermir and André Carlos Ponce de Leon F. de Carvalho: A Study of Crossvalidation and Holdout as Objective Functions for Genetic Algorithms. Aceito para o VII Simpósio Brasileiro de Redes Neurais (Brazilian Symposium on Neural Networks), SBRN'02 International Track, pages 118-123, Recife, Brazil, November 2002. Proceedings published by IEEE Computer Press.

  63. Liang Zhao, Rogério A. Furukawa and André Carlos Ponce de Leon F. de Carvalho: A Network of Globally Coupled Chaotic Maps for Adaptive Multi-Resolution Image Segmentation. Aceito para o VII Simpósio Brasileiro de Redes Neurais (Brazilian Symposium on Neural Networks), SBRN'02 International Track, pages 92-97, Recife, Brazil, November 2002. Proceedings published by IEEE Computer Press.

  64. Renata Macêdo, Denis V. Coury and André Carlos Ponce de Leon F. de Carvalho: A New Technique Based on Genetic Algorithms for Tracking of Power System Harmonics. Aceito para o VII Simpósio Brasileiro de Redes Neurais (Brazilian Symposium on Neural Networks), SBRN'02 International Track, Recife, pages 7-12, Brazil, November 2002. Proceedings published by IEEE Computer Press.

  65. Humberto Sousa, Antônio Riul Jr., André Carlos Ponce de Leon F. de Carvalho and Luiz Mattoso: Using MLP Networks to Classify Red Wines and Water Readings of an Electronic Tongue. Aceito para o VII Simpósio Brasileiro de Redes Neurais (Brazilian Symposium on Neural Networks), SBRN'02 International Track, pages 13-18, Recife, Brazil, November 2002. Proceedings published by IEEE Computer Press.

  66. Ana Carolina Lorena, Gustavo E. de Almeida P. A. Batista, André Carlos Ponce de Leon F. de Carvalho and Maria Carolina Monard: Influence of Noisy Patterns in the Performance of Learning Methods in the Splice Junction Recognition. VII Simpósio Brasileiro de Redes Neurais (Brazilian Symposium on Neural Networks), SBRN'02 International Track,  pages 31-37, Recife, Brazil, November 2002. Proceedings published by IEEE Computer Press.

  67. P. Leite, A. França and A. C. P. L. Carvalho: Genetic Operation Setting for the Operation Planning of Hydrothermal Systems. VII Simpósio Brasileiro de Redes Neurais (Brazilian Symposium on Neural Networks), SBRN'02 International Track, pages 124-129, Recife, Brazil, November 2002. Proceedings published by IEEE Computer Press.

  68.  L. A. de Santa Eulália, H. Rozenfeld, E. Moreira and A. C. P. L. Carvalho: Using ontologies for intelligent information retrieval in an e-commerce application case study. EWork and Business in Architecture, Engineering and Construction, Ziga Turk and Raimar Scherer, Ed., Proccedings of the forth European conference on product and process modeling in the building and related industries, pages 277-284, Portoroz, Eslovenia, September 2002.

  69. K. Faceli, A. C. P. F. de Carvalho and S. Rezende: Combining Intelligent Techniques for Sensor Fusion. Anais da 9th International Conference on Neural Information Processing, ICONIP'2002, Cingapura, November 2002.

  70. L. Zhao, A. P. G. Damiance Jr., R. A. Furukawa and A. C. P. L. F. Carvalho: A Dynamical Model for Multi-Scale Pixel Clustering. International Joint Conference on Neural Networks, IJCNN´2003, pages 1-4, CD-Media, Portland, USA, May 2003.

  71. A. C. Lorena and A. C. P. F. de Carvalho: Human Splice Site Identification with Multiclass Support Vector Machines and Bagging. 13th International Conference on Artificial Neural Networks and 10th International Conference on Neural Information Processing, ICANN 2003 / ICONIP 2003, Lecture Notes of Computer Science, LNCS 2714, pages 234-241, Instambul, Turkey, June 2003.

  72. C. Policastro, A. C. P. F. de Carvalho and A. Delbem: Hybrid Approaches for Cases Retrieval and Adaptation. 26th German Conference on Artificial Intelligence, KI 2003, Lecture Notes of Artificial Intelligence, LNAI 2871, pages 297-311, Hamburg, Germany, September 2003.

  73. C. Policastro, A. C. P. F. de Carvalho and A. Delbem: Hybrid Approach for Case Adaptation. Third International Conference on Hybrid Intelligent Systems (HIS'03), Design and Application of Hybrid Intelligent Systems, pages 331-340, IOS Press, ISBN 1 58603 394 8, Melbourne Australia, December 2003

  74. A. C. Lorena and A. C. P. F. de Carvalho: Comparing Techniques for Multiclass Classification using Binary SVM Predictors. Mexican International Conference on Artificial Intelligence, MICAI'2004, Lecture Notes on Artificial Intelligence, LNAI 2972, pages 272-281, ISBN 0302-9743, Mexico City, Mexico, April 2004.

  75. C. Policastro, A. C. P. F. de Carvalho  and A. Delbem: Automatic Case Adaptation with a Hybrid Committee Approach. Mexican International Conference on Artificial Intelligence, MICAI'2004, Lecture Notes on Artificial Intelligence, LNAI, 2972, pages 302-311, ISBN 0302-9743, Mexico City, Mexico, April 2004.

  76. C. Milaré, G. Batista, A. C. P. F. de Carvalho and M. Monard: Applying Genetic and Symbolic Learning Algorithms to Extract Rules from Artificial Neural Networks. Mexican International Conference on Artificial Intelligence, MICAI'2004, Lecture Notes on Artificial Intelligence, LNAI 2972, pages 833-843, ISBN 0302-9743,, Mexico City, Mexico, April 2004.

  77. C. Policastro, A. C. P. F. de Carvalho and A. Delbem: A Hybrid Case Based Based Reasoning Approach for Monitoring Water Quality. 17th International Conference on Industrial and Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence and Expert Systems (IEA/AIE), Lecture Notes on Artificial Intelligence, LNAI 3029, pages 492-501, Ottawa, Canada, May 2004.

  78. R. Tinós and A. C. P. F. de Carvalho: A Genetic Algorithm with Gene Dependent Mutation Probability for Non-Stationary Optimization Problems. Accepted for the 2004 IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation, CEC´2004, Portland, USA, June 2004.

  79. A. C. B. Delbem, and A. C. P. L. Carvalho, C. Policastro, A. Pinto, K. Honda, A. Garcia: Node-depth Encoding for Evolutionary Algorithms Applied to Network Design. Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference, GECCO´2004, Lecture Notes of Computer Science, LNCS 3102, pages 678-687, Seattle, USA, June 2004. ISSN 03029743

  80. R. Tinós, A. C. P. F. de Carvalho and M. Terra: An Evolutionary Neural Network for Fault Classification in Non-Stationary Problems. 10th IEEE/RAS/CSS International Conference on Methods and Models in Automation and Robotics, MMAR´04, Vol. 2, pages 749-756, Miedzyzdroje, Poland, August 2004, IEEE. ISBN 83-88764-04-7.

  81. A. Lorena and André de Carvalho: A GA/SVM Approach for Multiclass Classification Applied to Protein Structural Class Prediction. VIII Simpósio Brasileiro de Redes Neurais (Brazilian Symposium on Neural Networks), SBRN'04 International Track, São Luiz, Brazil, September 2004. Proceedings in CD published by IEEE Computer Press.

  82. W. Cancino, A. Delbem and A. C. P. F. de Carvalho: Comparison of Parallel Multi-Objective Evolutionary Algorithms. VIII Simpósio Brasileiro de Redes Neurais (Brazilian Symposium on Neural Networks), SBRN'04 International Track, São Luiz, Brazil, September 2004. Proceedings in CD published by IEEE Computer Press.

  83. R. Tinós and A. C. P. F. de Carvalho: An Evolutionary Neural Network for Non-Stationary Problems. VIII Simpósio Brasileiro de Redes Neurais (Brazilian Symposium on Neural Networks), SBRN'04 International Track, São Luiz, Brazil, September 2004. Proceedings in CD published by IEEE Computer Press.

  84. C. Policastro, A. C. P. F. de Carvalho, K. Honda, A. Pinto, A. Garcia and A. Delbem: Node-depth Encoding Applied to the Degree-Constrained Minimum Spanning. VIII Simpósio Brasileiro de Redes Neurais (Brazilian Symposium on Neural Networks), SBRN'04 International Track, São Luiz, Brazil, September 2004. Proceedings in CD published by IEEE Computer Press.

  85. B. Feres de Souza, W. Cancino and A. C. P. F. de Carvalho: Gene Subset Selection Using Genetic Algorithm and SVMs. VIII Simpósio Brasileiro de Redes Neurais (Brazilian Symposium on Neural Networks), SBRN'04 International Track, São Luiz, Brazil, September 2004. Proceedings in CD published by IEEE Computer Press.

  86. G. L. Libralão, O. C. P. de Almeida, A. Valerio Netto, A. C. B. Delbem, A. C. P. Leon F. de Carvalho: Machine Learning Techniques for Ocular Errors Analysis. IEEE Machine Learning for Signal Processing Workshop 2004, São Luís, MA, September 2004. Proceedings in CD published by IEEE Computer Press.

  87. A. Lorena and André de Carvalho: An Hybrid GA/SVM Approach for Multiclass Classification with Directed Acyclic Graphs. XVII Simpósio Brasileiro de Inteligência Artificial, SBIA 2004, pages 366-375, Lecture Notes of Artificial Intelligence, LNAI, 3171, São Luís, Brazil, Sptember 2004. ISBN 3-540-23237-0

  88. B. Feres de Souza and A. C. P. F. de Carvalho: Gene Selection Using Genetic Algorithms. V International Symposium on Biological and Medical Data Analysis (ISBMDA-2004), pages 479-490, Lectures Notes in Computer Science, LNCS 3337, Barcelona, Spain, November 2004, Springer Verlag.

  89. A. C Lorena and A. C. P. F. de Carvalho: Minimum Spanning Trees in Hierarchical Multiclass Support Vector Machines Generation. 18th International Conference on Industrial and Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence and Expert Systems (IEA/AIE), pages 422-431, Lecture Notes on Computer Science, LNAI 3533, Bari, Italy, June 2005. ISBN 3-540-26551-1

  90. G. Libralão and A. C. P. F. de Carvalho: Classification of Ophthalmologic Images Using an Ensemble of Classifiers. 18th International Conference on Industrial and Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence and Expert Systems (IEA/AIE), pages 380-389, Lecture Notes on Computer Science, LNAI 3533, Bari, Italy, June 2005. ISBN 3-540-26551-1

  91. A. Damiance, L. Zhao and A. P. L. F. de Carvalho: A Self-Organized Network for Data Clustering. First International Conference on Natural Computation (ICNC'05) and the Second International Conference on Fuzzy Systems and Knowledge Discovery (FSKD'05), pages 1198-1198, Lecture Notes on Artificial Intelligence, LNAI 3610, Changsha, China, August 2005.

  92. A. C Lorena and A. C. P. F. de Carvalho: Protein Cellular Localization with Multiclass Support Vector Machines and Decision Trees, 4th Brazilian Symposium on Bioinformatics (BSB´05), pages 42-53, Lecture Notes on Bioinformatics, LNBI 3594, São Leopoldo, Brazil, July 2005. ISBN 3-540-28008-1

  93. K. Faceli, A. C. P. F. de Carvalho and M. de Souto: Evaluation of the contents of partitions obtained with clustering gene expression data, 4th Brazilian Symposium on Bioinformatics (BSB´05), pages 65-76, Lecture Notes on Bioinformatics, LNBI 3594, São Leopoldo, Brazil, July 2005. ISBN 3-540-28008-1

  94. E. Spinosa and A. C. P. F. de Carvalho: Combining one-class classifiers for robust novelty detection in gene expression data, 4th Brazilian Symposium on Bioinformatics (BSB´05), pages 54-64, Lecture Notes on Bioinformatics, LNBI 3594, São Leopoldo, Brazil, July 2005. ISBN 3-540-28008-1

  95. D. Rossi and A. C. P. F. de Carvalho: Applying Text Mining and Machine Learning Techniques to Gene Clusters Analysis, VI International Conference on Computational Intelligence and Multimedia Applications, ICCIMA'05, pages 23-28, Las Vegas, USA, August 2005, IEEE Computer Press.

  96. D. Ushizima, A. C. Lorena and A. C. P. L. F. de Carvalho: Support Vector Machines Applied to White Blood Cell Recognition. 5th International Conference on Hybrid Intelligent Systems (HIS'05), Design and Application of Hybrid Intelligent Systems, pages pp. 379-384, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, November 2005, IEEE Computer Press.

  97. E. J. Spinosa, A. C. P. L. F. de Carvalho and J. Gama: An online learning technique for coping with novelty detection
    and concept drift in data streams. 3rd International Workshop on Knowledge Discovery in Data Streams, IWKDDS’06, part of the 23rd International Conference on Machine Learning, ICML’06, pp. 1-10, June 2006, Pittsburgh PA, USA.

  98. A. Lorena and A. de Carvalho: Multiclass SVM Design and Parameter
    Selection with Genetic Algorithms
    . IX Simpósio Brasileiro de Redes Neurais (Brazilian Symposium on Neural Networks), SBRN'06, Ribeirão Preto, Brazil, October 2006. Proceedings in CD published by IEEE Computer Press.

  99. P. Leite, A. França and A. C. P. L. Carvalho: Hybrid Genetic Algorithm Applied to the Determination of the Optimal Operation of Hydrothermal Systems. IX Simpósio Brasileiro de Redes Neurais (Brazilian Symposium on Neural Networks), SBRN'06, Ribeirão Preto, Brazil, October 2006. Proceedings in CD published by IEEE Computer Press.

  100. M. Coelho and A. C. P. L. F. de Carvalho: Improving Clustering with Genetic Algorithms. 1st Hybrid Artificial Intelligent Systems Workshop (HAIS’06) Ribeirão Preto, Brazil - October 2006. Proceedings in CD.

  101. B. R. Nery, R. F. de Mello, A. C. P. L. F. de Carvalho and L. T. Yang: Process Scheduling using Ant Colony Optimization Techniques. International Symposium on Parallel and Distributed Processing and Applications (ISPA-06), Sorrento, Italy, December 2006.

  102. 1B. Feres de Souza, R. Calvo, R. P. Ishii and A. C. P. F. de Carvalho: Multiclass SVM Model Selection Using Particle Swarm Optimization. 6th International Conference on Hybrid Intelligent Systems (HIS'06), Auckland, New Zealand, December 2006. CD from IEEE Computer Press. Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/HIS.2006.264914

  103. K. Faceli, M. Souto and A. C. P. F. de Carvalho: Multi-objective Clustering Ensemble. 6th International Conference on Hybrid Intelligent Systems (HIS'06), Auckland, New Zealand, December 2006. CD from IEEE Computer Press. Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/HIS.2006.264934

  104. E. J. Spinosa, A. C. P. L. F. de Carvalho and J. Gama: A cluster-based approach for detecting novelty and concept drift in data streams. Accepted for the 22nd Annual ACM Symposium on Applied Computing. Seoul, Korea, April, 2007. ACM Press.

  105. E. Pimenta, J. Gama and A. C. P. L. F. de Carvalho: Pursuing the best ECOC dimension for multiclass problems. Accepted for the FLAIRS-20, The 20th International FLAIRS Conference, Key West, USA, May 2007. In cooperation with AAAI. (one of the 12 papers accepted for a special issue of the Journal

  106. M. Coelho Naldi and A. C. P. L. F. de Carvalho: Clustering using genetic algorithm combining validation criteria. Accepted for the 15th European Symposium on Artificial Neural Networks (Advances in Computational Intelligence and Learning) ESANN´07, Bruges, Belgium, April 2007. IEEE Computational Intelligence Society, International Neural Networks Society and European Neural Networks Society.



1.      A. C. P. F. de Carvalho and C. Fernandes: Um Novo Modelo de Neurônio para o Reconhecimento de Sequências (in Portuguese). Proceedings of the IV Simpósio Brasileiro de Inteligência Artificial (Brazilian Symposium on Artificial Intelligence), SBIA'90, pages 12-16, Campina Grande, Brazil, November 1990.

2.      A. C. P. F. de Carvalho, M. C. Fairhurst and D. L. Bisset: Feature Extraction Using the SOFT Boolean Architecture. Proceedings of I Simpósio Brasileiro de Redes Neurais (Brazilian Symposium on Neural Networks), SBRN'94, pages 127-132, Caxambu, Brazil, August 1994.

3.      A. C. P. F. de Carvalho: A Modular Neural Network Architecture for Pattern Recognition. Proceedings of the II Simpósio Brasileiro de Redes Neurais (Brazilian Symposium on Neural Networks), SBRN'95, pages 03-08, São Carlos, Brazil, October 1995.

4.      M. L. Tronco, A. J. V. Porto and A. C. P. F. de Carvalho: Sistema de Reconhecimento de Peças Mecânicas para Robô de Montagem - Abordagem Utilizando Rede Neural com Arquitetura Baseada no Modelo GSN (in Portuguese). II Simpósio Brasileiro de Redes Neurais (Brazilian Symposium on Neural Networks), SBRN'95, pages 49-54, São Carlos, Brazil, October,1995.

5.      M. L. Tronco, A. J. V. Porto and A. C. P. F. de Carvalho: Desenvolvimento de um Sistema De Visão Artificial de Robô Baseado em Redes Neurais (in Portuguese). Proceedings (CD media) of the XIII Congresso Brasileiro and II Congresso Ibero Americano de Engenharia Mecânica - XIII COBEM-CIDIM/95, Belo Horizonte, Brazil, December 1995.

6.      A. C. P. F. de Carvalho, M. C. Fairhurst and D. L. Bisset: Implementation of Boolean Neural Networks on Parallel Computers. Proceedings of the II Congresso Argentino de Ciência da Computação (Argentinian Conference on Computer Science), Santa Fé, Argentina, November 1996.

7.      E. Mendes Filho and A. C. P. F. de Carvalho: NeurAval - Sistema Neural para Avaliação de Crédito (in Portuguese). Proceedings of the XXIX Brazilian Conference and XVI International Congress on Informatics and Telecommunications (disks media), Natal, Brazil, November 1996.

8.      A. Delbem, N. Bretas and A. C. P. F. de Carvalho: Restabelecimento Otimo de Energia em Sistemas de Distribuição utilizando Algoritmos Genéticos (in Portuguese). Proceedings of the III Simpósio Brasileiro de Redes Neurais (Brazilian Symposium on Neural Networks), SBRN'96, pages 75-82, Recife, Brazil, November 1996.

9.      W. Hanisch, C. Milaré, A. C. P. F. de Carvalho and E. Pires: Modelagem Preliminar de uma Estação de Tratamento de Esgoto utilizando Redes Neurais (in Portuguese). Proceedings of the III Simpósio Brasileiro de Redes Neurais (Brazilian Symposium on Neural Networks), SBRN'96, pages 271-278, Recife, Brazil, November 1996.

10.  A. Bretas, A. Delbem, L. Alberto, A. C. P. F. de Carvalho, A. Araújo and D. Coury: Esquema de Proteção à Distância para Linhas de Transmissão Utilizando Redes Neurais Artificiais (in Portuguese). Proceedings of the III Simpósio Brasileiro de Redes Neurais (Brazilian Symposium on Neural Networks), SBRN'96, pages 279-286, Recife, Brazil, November 1996.

11.  E. Mendes Filho, A. C. P. F. de Carvalho and A. Matias: Utilização de Redes Neurais na Análise de Risco de Crédito a Pessoal Física (in Portuguese). Proceedings of the III Simpósio Brasileiro de Redes Neurais (Brazilian Symposium on Neural Networks), SBRN'96, pages 287-292, Recife, Brazil, November 1996.

12.  A. Cansian, E. Moreira, J. Bonifácio Jr. and A. C. P. F. de Carvalho: Modelo Adaptativo para Detecção de Comportamento Suspeito em Redes de Computadores (in Portuguese). Proceedings of the XV Simpósio Brasileiro de Redes de Computadores (Brazilian Symposium on Computer Networks), SBRC'97, pages 51-60, São Carlos, Brazil, May 1997.

13.  C. Milaré and A. C. P. F. de Carvalho: Case Based Reasoning using Neural Networks (in Portuguese). Proceedings of the I Encontro Nacional de Inteligência Artificial (Brazilian Artificial Intelligence Meeting), ENIA'97, pages 85-90, Brazilia, Brazil, August 1997.

14.  S. Rodgher, G. Fabbri and A. C. P. F. de Carvalho: A Utilização de Redes Neurais Artificiais para Classificação de Solos Tropicais (in Portuguese). Proceedings of the XI Congresso de Ensino e Pesquisa em Transportes (Brazilian Conference on Research and Teaching in Transport), XI ANPET, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, October 1997.

15.  A. Delbem, N. Bretas and A. C. P. F. de Carvalho: Restauração Ótima de Energia em Sistemas de Distribuição (in Portuguese). Proceedings of XIV SNPTEE Seminário Nacional de Produção e Transmissão de Energia Elétrica, Belem, Brazil, October 1997.

16.  W. Hanisch, C. Milaré, A. C. P. F. de Carvalho and E. Pires: Modelagem de uma Estação de Tratamento de Esgoto utilizando Redes Neurais: Conceituação e Modelagem Preliminar (in Portuguese). Proceedings of the XIX Brazilian Conference on Environmental Engineering, pages 560-568, Foz do Iguaçu, Brazil, September 1997.

17.  J. Bonifácio Jr., A. Cansian, E. Moreira and A. C. P. F. de Carvalho: Um Ambiente de Segurança Distribuído para a Integração de Firewalls com Sistemas de Detecção de Intrusão (in Portuguese). Proceedings of the XVI Simpósio Brasileiro de Redes de Computadores (Brazilian Symposium on Computer Networks), SBRC'98, pages 61-70, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, May 1998.

18.  A. Delbem, N. Bretas and A. C. P. F. de Carvalho: Algoritmos Genéticos Associados a Cadeias de Grafos para Restabelecimento de Energia (in Portuguese). Proceedings of the XII Congresso Brasileiro de Automática (Brazilian Congress on Automatic), CBA'98, pages 1697-1702, Uberlândia, Brazil, September 1998.

19.  A. Delbem, N. Bretas and A. C. P. F. de Carvalho: Um Algoritmo de Inteligência Artificial com Heurísticas Fuzzy para Restabelecimento de Energia em Sistemas de Distribuição Radial (in Portuguese). Proceedings of XII Congresso Brasileiro de Automática (Brazilian Congress on Automatic), CBA'98, pages 1703-1708, Uberlândia, Brazil, September 1998.

20.  A. Carneiro, P. Leite and A. C. P. F. de Carvalho: Planejamento Ótimo da Operação Energética Utilizando Algoritmos Genéticos (in Portuguese). Proceedings of the XII Congresso Brasileiro de Automática (Brazilian Congress on Automatic), CBA'98, pages 503-508, Uberlândia, Brazil, September 1998.

21.  A. Delbem, N. Bretas and A. C. P. F. de Carvalho: Restabelecimento de Energia Ótimo em Sistemas de Distribuição Radiais por Algoritmos Genéticos (in Portuguese). Proceedings of the III Latin American Congress on Electric Energy Distribution, pages 577-581, São Paulo, Brazil, September 1998.

22.  A. Delbem, N. Bretas and A. C. P. F. de Carvalho: Restabelecimento de Energia em Sistemas de Distribuição Radiais Usando Busca com Heurísticas Fuzzy (in Portuguese). Proceedings of the III Latin American Congress on Eletric Energy Distribution, pages 582-586. São Paulo, Brazil, September 1998.

23.  E. Vargas, H. Sousa and A. C. P. F. de Carvalho: Target Recognition Using Constructive Neural Networks. Image Processing Techniques - Proceedings of the Second Latino-American Seminar on radar Remote Sensing, pages 83-88, Santos, Brazil, September 1998 European Space Agency (ESA) Publications Division.

24. E. Lacerda and A. C. P. F. de Carvalho: Introdução aos Algoritmos Genéticos (Introduction to Genetic Algorithms) (in Portuguese). In XVIII Jornada de Atualização em Informática, JAI'99 (in Portuguese), XIX National Congress of the Brazilian Computer Society, pages 51-126, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, July 1999.

25. G. Batista, A. C. P. F. de Carvalho and M. Monard: Aplicando seleção unilateral em conjuntos de exemplos desbalanceados: resultados iniciais (in Portuguese).  Proceedings of the II Encontro Nacional de Inteligencia Artificial (Brazilian Artificial Intelligence Meeting), ENIA 99, XIX National Congress of the Brazilian Computer Society, pages 327-340, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, July 1999.

26. R. Sovat and A. C. P. F. de Carvalho: Um ambiente para desenvolvimento de sistemas de raciocionio baseado em casos (in Portuguese).  Proceedings of the II Encontro Nacional de Inteligencia Artificial (Brazilian Artificial Intelligence Meeting), ENIA 99, XIX National Congress of the Brazilian Computer Society, pages 133-148, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, July 1999.

27.  K. Faceli, A. C. P. F. de Carvalho, S.Rezende and F.Melfi: Sistemas inteligentes para fusao de sensores (in Portuguese). Proceedings of the II Encontro Nacional de Inteligencia Artificial (Brazilian Artificial Intelligence Meeting), ENIA 99, XIX National Congress of the Brazilian Computer Society, pages 163-175, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, July 1999.

28.  D. Jorge, D. Coury and A. C. P. F. de Carvalho: Localização de Faltas em Linhas de Transmissão de Energia Elétrica Utilizando Reconhecimento de Padrões (in Portuguese).  . IV Congresso Brasileiro de Redes Neurais (Brazilian Congress on Neural Networks), CBRN'99, pages 61-66, São José dos Campos, Brazil, July 1999.

29.  P. Leite, A. Carneiro and A. C. P. F. de Carvalho: Aplicação de Computação Evolucionária no Planejamento de Sistemas Hidrotérmicos. Proceedings of the 20th Iberian Latin-American Conference on Computational Methods on Engineering, XX CILAMCE, São Paulo, Brazil, November 1999. 

30.  A. Carneiro, P. Leite and A. C. P. F. de Carvalho: Scheduling of Hydroeletric Power Systems Using Genetic Algorithms. Proceedings of the VII Symposium of Specialists in Electric Operational and Expansion Planning - SEPOPE'2000, CD-Media, Curitiba, Brazil, May 2000.

31.  Humberto Costa de Sousa, Ernesto Cuadros Vargas and André C. P. L. F. de Carvalho: A Practical Implementation of a Component-based Framework for Artificial Neural Networks. II Workshop de Desenvolvimento Baseado em Componentes, II WDBC, CD-Media, pages 1-6, CD-Media, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, August 2002.

32.  Daniel Pavani, André C. P. L. F. de Carvalho, Alberto Cliquet Jr.: Um Sistema de Rede Neural Artificial Associada à Estimulação Elétrica Neuro Muscular para o Controle da Marcha em Pacientes Lesados Modulares. Anais do XVIII Congresso Brasileiro de Engenharia Biomédica, 6 pages, São José dos Campos, Brazil, September 2002.

33.  Humberto Costa de Sousa, Ernesto Cuadros Vargas and André C. P. L. F. de Carvalho: Artificial Neural Networks Designed as Components. Anais do II Jornada de Engenharia de Software e Engenharia de Conhecimento, JIISIC´2002, 6 pages (CD) Salvador, Brazil, October 2002

34.  Patricia Leite, Adriano França and André Carlos Ponce de Leon F. de Carvalho Aplicação de Algoritmos Genéticos na Determinação da Operação Ótima de Sistemas Hidrotérmicos de Potência. Aceito para o XIV Congresso Brasileiro de Automática, CBA'02, 6 pages, Natal, Brazil, October 2002.

35.  Renata Macêdo, Denis V. Coury and André Carlos Ponce de Leon F. de Carvalho Algoritmos Genéticos Aplicados a Estimação de Componentes Harmônicos em Sistemas Elétricos de Potência. Aceito para o XIV Congresso Brasileiro de Automática, CBA'02, 6 pages, Natal, Brazil, October 2002.

36.  Ana Carolina Lorena, Gustavo E. de Almeida P. A. Batista, André Carlos Ponce de Leon F. de Carvalho and Maria Carolina Monard: Splice Junction Recognition using Machine Learning Techniques. Proceedings of the I Workshop Brasileiro de Bioinformática, WOB 2002, Gramado, Brazil, pages 32-39, October 2002.

37.  A. Carneiro, P. Leite and A. C. P. F. de Carvalho: Aplicação de Inteligência Artificial no Planejamento da Operação de Sistemas Hidrotérmicos de Potência (in Portuguese). To be published in the Proceedings of the VII Seminário Nacional de Produção e Transmissão de Energia Elétrica –SNPTEE´2003, Uberlândia, Brazil, October 2003.

38.  M. Souto, A. Lorena, A. Delbem and André de Carvalho: Técnicas de Aprendizado de Máquina em Problemas de Biologia Molecular (Machine Learning Techniques in Molecular Biology Problems), pages 1-40. In II Jornada de Atualização em Inteligência Artificial (in Portuguese), JAIA 2003, XXI Congresso da Sociedade Brazileira de Computação, SBC'2003, em CD, 40 pages, Campinas, Brazil, August 2003.

39.  Waldo Cancino, Zhao Liang and André de Carvalho: Aplicação de Algoritmos Evolutivos Multi-Objetivo para o Alinhamento de Proteínas (in Portuguese).  , Proceedings of the IV Encontro Nacional de Inteligência Artificial, ENIA 2003, XXIII Congresso da Sociedade Brazileira de Computação, SBC'2003, em CD, 10 pages, Campinas, Brazil, August 2003.

40.  Cláudio Policastro, Alexandre Delbem and André de Carvalho: Abordagens Híbridas para Recuperação e Adaptação de Casos em Sistemas de Raciocínio Baseado em Casos (in Portuguese), Proceedings of the IV Encontro Nacional de Inteligência Artificial, ENIA 2003, XXIII Congresso da Sociedade Brazileira de Computação, SBC'2003, em CD, 10 pages, Campinas, Brazil, August 2003.

41.  Ronaldo Prati, Maria Carolina Monard and André de Carvalho: Refinando Regras de Conhecimento por meio de Exceções (in Portuguese), Proceedings of the IV Encontro Nacional de Inteligência Artificial, ENIA 2003, XXIII Congresso da Sociedade Brazileira de Computação, SBC'2003, em CD, 10 pages, Campinas, Brazil, August 2003 (Best award paper).

42.  Katti Faceli, André de Carvalho and Wilson Araújo da Silva Jr.: Gene Selection for Tumor Cell Classification, Proceedings of the IV Encontro Nacional de Inteligência Artificial, ENIA 2003, XXIII Congresso da Sociedade Brazileira de Computação, SBC'2003, em CD, 10 pages, Campinas, Brazil, August 2003.

43.  Renato Tinos and André de Carvalho: Alteração da Probabilidade de Mutação do Gene em Algoritmos Genéticos Aplicados a Problemas Não-Estacionários (in Portuguese), Proceedings of the IV Encontro Nacional de Inteligência Artificial, ENIA 2003, XXIII Congresso da Sociedade Brazileira de Computação, SBC'2003, em CD, 10 pages, Campinas, Brazil, August 2003.

44.  André de Carvalho, Antônio Valério Netto and Paulo Cereda: Teaching Entrepreneurship to Computer Science Students, Proceedings of the XI Workshop de Educação em Computação, WEI 2003, XXIII Congresso da Sociedade Brazileira de Computação, SBC'2003, em CD, 10 pages, Campinas, Brazil, August 2003.

45.  Ronaldo Prati, Maria Carolina Monard and André de Carvalho: A Method for Refining Knowledge Rules Using Exceptions, Accepted for the Argentine Symposium on Artificial Intelligence, ASAI 2003, Argentine Conference on Computer Science and Operational Research, 32 JAIIO - 2003, Buenos Aires, Argentina, September 2003.

46.  P. Leite, A. França and A. C. P. F. de Carvalho: Algoritmo Genético Híbrido Aplicado na Determinação da Operação Ótima de Sistemas Hidrotérmicos de Potência. Accepted for the XV Congresso Brasileiro de Automática, CBA'04, 6 pages, Gramado, Brazil, September 2004.

47.  D. Medeiros and A. C. P. F. de Carvalho: Gene Clusters Analysis Using Text Mining, Accepted as extended abstract (4 pages) for the III Brazilian Workshop on Bioinformatics, WOB 2004, Brazilian, Brazil, October 2004

48.  K. Honda, and A. C. P. F. de Carvalho: Phylogenetic Reconstruction from Evolutionary Algorithm using Edge-Set Representation, Accepted as extended abstract (4 pages) for the III Brazilian Workshop on Bioinformatics, WOB 2004, Brazilian, Brazil, October 2004

49.  B. Feres de Souza and A. C. P. F. de Carvalho: Genetic algorithms applied to the gene selection problem, Accepted as full paper for the II International Conference on Bioinformatics and Computational Biology, Icobicobi, Angra dos Reis, Brazil, October 2004.

50.  Murilo Coelho Naldi and André C. P. L. F. de Carvalho: Utilização de Algoritmos de Aprendizado de Máquina Evolutivos para Análise de Nível Expressão Gênica, Proceedings of the XXIV Contest of Undergraduate Research Work  (CTIC), XXV Congresso da Sociedade Brasileira de Computação, SBC'2005, São Leopoldo, Brazil, July 2005.

51.  Arthur P. Braga, André C. P. L. F. de Carvalho and João F. G. de Oliveira: Automatic Monitoring and Diagnosis of the Dressing Operation Through the Classification of Textural Patterns in Acoustic Maps, Proceedings of the 18th International Congress of Mechanical Engineering – COBEM 2005, November, Ouro Preto, Brazil

52.  Bruno Nery Rodrigues, Rodrigo Mello, André Ponce de Leon F de Carvalho: Escalonamento de processos utilizando técnicas de ACO, Proceedings of the XXIV Contest of Undergraduate Research Work  (CTIC), XXV Congresso da Sociedade Brasileira de Computação, SBC'2006, Campo Grande, Brazil, July 2006.

53.  B. Feres de Souza and A. C. P. F. de Carvalho: Feature Selection in SVMS Applied to Gene Expression Data. V Concurso de Teses e Dissertações em Inteligência Artificial (CTDIA’06)  (V Context of MSC Artificial Intelligence Thesis and Dissertations), Ribeirão Preto, Brazil, October 2006. Proceedings in CD.

54.  F. Favretto, R. Tinós, R. e A. Carvalho: Selection of Sensors in an Artificial Tongue via Genetic Algorithms. Accept for the I Workshop on Computational Intelligence, WCI, 2006, Ribeirão Preto. Part of the Brazilian Symposium on Neural Networks, SBRN'06, 2006.





1.      A. C. P. F. de Carvalho, M. C. Fairhurst and D. L. Bisset.: Comparative Study of GSNf Learning Methods. Published in the book RAM-Based Neural Networks, pages 31-42, Series Progress in Neural Processing, England, World Scientific, 1998.

2.      A. C. P. F. de Carvalho, M. C. Fairhurst and D. L. Bisset.: Combining Two Boolean Neural Networks for Image Classification. Published in the book RAM-Based Neural Networks, pages 193-204, Series Progress in Neural Processing, England, World Scientific, 1998.

3.      T. Ludermir, A. Braga, C. Nobre, A. C. P. F. de Carvalho: Extracting Rules from Neural Networks: A Datamining Approach. In Data Mining, N. Ebecken (Editor), pages 303-314, WIT Press, England, 1998.

4.      E. Martineli, H. Diniz, A. C. P. F. de Carvalho, S. Rezende, A. Matias: Bankruptcy Prediction Using Connectionist and Symbolic Learning Algorithms. In Computational Finance 1999, CF99, A. Mustafa (Editor), pages 515-524, MIT Press, New York, USA, 1999.

5.      E. Lacerda, A. C. P. F. de Carvalho and T. Ludermir: Evolutionary Optimization of RBF networks, Radial basis function neural networks: design and applications, pages 282-310, Chapter 11. In Radial Basis Function Networks 1: Recent Developments in Theory and Application. R. J. Howlett and L Jain (Editors), Physica-Verlag (a Springer-Verlag company), Studies in Fuzziness and Soft Computing Series 66, March 2001 (ISBN 3-7908-1367-2).

6.      A. Braga, A. C. P. F. de Carvalho and T. Ludermir: Radial Basis Functions: Theory and Applications, pages 159-178. In Nonlinear Modeling and Forecasting of High Frequency Financial and Economic Time Series. A. S. Soofi and L. Cao (Editors), Kluwer, April 2002 (ISBN 0-7923-7680-3).

7.      A. C. P. F. de Carvalho, A. Braga; S. Rezende; T. Ludermir and E. Martineli: Understanding Credit Card Users Behaviour: A Data Mining Approach, pages 240-261, Chapter 14,. In Heuristic and Optimization for Knowledge Discovery. Ruhul A. Sarker, Hussein A. Abbass and Charles S. Newton (Editors), Idea Group Publishing, February 2002.

8.      A. C. P. F. de Carvalho, A. Braga and T. Ludermir: Credit Card Users' Data Mining, pages 603-605, Encyclopedia of Information Science and Technology. Mehdi Khosrow-Pour (Editor), Idea Group Inc, Hershey, USA.. ISBN 1-59140-553-X, 2004.

9.      A. Freitas and A. C. P. F. de Carvalho: A Tutorial on Hierarchical Classification with Applications in Bioinformatics. Pages 176-209, Research and Trends in Data Mining Technologies and Applications: Advances in Data Warehousing and Mining. D. Taniar (Editor)., Volume 1, 2006. Idea Group Inc, Hershey, USA. ISBN-10: 159904272X, ISBN-13: 978-1599042725

10.  J. Gama and A. C. P. F. de Carvalho: Machine Learning Accepted for the Encyclopedia of Information Science and Technology. 2nd Edition. Mehdi Khosrow-Pour (Editor), Idea Group Inc, Hershey, USA.. 1-59140-553-X


1.      E. Lacerda and A. C. P. F. de Carvalho: Introdução aos Algoritmos Genéticos  (Introduction to Genetic Algorithms). In Sistemas Inteligentes - Aplicações a Recursos Hídricos e Ciências Ambientais (in Portuguese), C. Galvão and M. Valença (Editors), Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul Press, pages 99-150, Vol. 7, ABRH Collection, Porto Alegre, Brazil, December 1999.

2.      A. Braga; A. C. P. F. de Carvalho and T. Ludermir: Redes Neurais Artificiais (Artificial Neural Networks), pages 141-168, Chapter 6. In Sistemas Inteligentes: Fundamentos and Aplicações – Intelligent Systems: Fundations and Applications (in Portuguese). S. O. Rezende (Editor), Editora Manole, Sao Paulo, Brazil, January 2003.

3.      A. C. P. F. de Carvalho; A. Braga and T. Ludermir: Computação Evolutiva (Evolutive Computation), pages 225-248, Chapter 9. In Sistemas Inteligentes: Fundamentos e Aplicações – Intelligent Systems: Fundations and Applications (in Portuguese). S. O. Rezende (Editor), Editora Manole, Sao Paulo, Brazil, January 2003.

4.       T. Ludermir; A. C. P. F. de Carvalho and A. Braga: Sistemas Inteligentes Híbridos (Hybrid Intelligent Systems) pages 249-268, Chapter 10. In Sistemas Inteligentes: Fundamentos e Aplicações – Intelligent Systems: Fundations and Applications (in Portuguese).  S. O. Rezende (Editor), Editora Manole, São Paulo, Brazil, January 2003.




1.      B. Verma, H. Selvaraj, A. de Carvalho and X. Yao: Proceedings of the III International Conference on Computational Intelligence and Multimedia Applications, Published by IEEE Computer Press, New Dheli, India, September, 1999.

2.      B. Verma, H. Selvaraj, A. de Carvalho and X. Yao: IV International Conference on Computational Intelligence and Multimedia Applications, Published by IEEE Computer Press, Yokosuka City, Japan, October 2001.

3.      H. Selvaraj, B. Verma e A. C. P. F. de Carvalho: VI International Conference on Computational Intelligence and Multimedia Applications, Published by IEEE Computer Press, Las Vegas, USA, August 2005. ISBN 0-7695-2358-7.



1.      A. Braga, A. de Carvalho and T. Ludermir: Fundamentos de Redes Neurais (in Portuguese) (translation: Neural Networks Foundations). Published by COPPE/UFRJ for the XI Brazilian Computing School, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, July 1998.

2.      A. Braga, A. de Carvalho and T. Ludermir: Redes Neurais Artificiais: Teoria e Aplicações (in Portuguese) (translation: Artificial Neural Networks: Theory and Applications). Published by LTC Press, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, February, 2000 (update and extension of the previous book).

3.      A. de Carvalho and D. Barone: Proceedings of the II Brazilian Symposium on Neural Networks (Simpósio Brasileiro de Redes Neurais) (in Portughese). Published by the Brazilian Computer Society, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, October 1995.

4.      A. de Carvalho and J. Maldonado: Coletânea de Textos da VI Escola Regional de Informática de São Paulo, Sociedade Brasileira de Computação; Published by ICMC-USP São Carlos, Brazil, May 2001 (ISBN 85-87837-05-02).

5.      A. C. P. F. de Carvalho, J. Maldonado, M. Mendonça Neto and Sílvia Acuña: Proceedings of the 2nd Ibero-American Symposium on Software Engineering and Knowledge Engineering (II Jornada de Engenharia de Software e Engenharia de Conhecimento), JIISIC´2002, Salvador, Brazil, October 2002 (ISBN 85-87837-05-02).

6.      A. Bazzan and A. de Carvalho: Proceedings of the I Brazilian Workshop on Bioinformatics (I Workshop Brasileiro de Bioinformática), I WOB. Published by the Brazilian Computer Society, Porto Alegre, Brazil, October 2002 (ISBN 85 88442-35-3).

7.      A. Plastino, A. C. P. F. de Carvalho, R. Ramos and W. Meira: Proceedings of the II Workshop on Algorithms and Applications of Data Mining (WAAMD´2006), Florianópolis, Brazil, October 2006. ISBN  85-7669-088-8

8.      A. C. P. F. de Carvalho and M. Vellasco: Proceedings of the I Workshop on Computational Intelligence (WCI´2006), Ribeirão Preto, Brazil, October 2006. ISBN  85-87837-11-7



1.      A. de Carvalho: Proposta de um Sistema de Reconhecimento de Assinaturas utilizando Malhas Neuronais Adaptativas Individualizadas (in Portuguese). Technical Report, Departamento de Informática, Universidade Federal de Pernambuco, Recife, Brazil, 1989.

2.      A. de Carvalho: Survey sobre Reconhecimento de Assinaturas (in Portuguese). Technical Report, Departamento de Informática, Universidade Federal de Pernambuco, Recife, Brazil, 1989.

3.      A. Delbem, N. Bretas and A. Carvalho: Restabelecimento Ótimo de Energia em Sistemas de Distribuição: Uma Comparação entre o Desempenho de Busca Fuzzy e Algoritmos Genéticos (in Portuguese). Technical Report No. 48, Institute of Mathematics and Computer Science, Universidade de São Paulo, São Carlos, Brazil, 1996.

4.      Adriano M. Cansian, Edson dos Santos Moreira, Rogério B. Mouro, Fábio T. Morishita and André C.P. de L.F. de Carvalho: Um Sistema Adaptativo de Detecção de Intrusão em Redes de Computadores (in Portuguese) Na Adaptive System for Intrusion Detection in Computer Networks. Notes of  ICMC, Série Computação Nº 22, ISSN 0103-2577, Institute of Mathematics and Computer Science, Universidade de São Paulo, São Carlos, Brazil, 1996.

5.      L. Andrade and A. Carvalho: Aplicações de Redes Neurais na Indústria, Comércio e Medicina (in Portuguese). Technical Report No. 52, Institute of Mathematics and Computer Science, Universidade de São Paulo, São Carlos, Brazil, 1997.

6.      H. Diniz, E. Mendes Filho and A. Carvalho: SNNS Sttutgart Neural Network Simulator: Manual de Referência Rápida (in Portuguese). Technical Report No. 53, Institute of Mathematics and Computer Science, Universidade de São Paulo, São Carlos, Brazil, 1997.

7.      C. Milare, M. Fabiunke, G. Kock and A. Carvalho: A Hybrid System Integrating Neural Networks and Case-Based Reasoning Features (in Portuguese). Technical Report No. 56, Institute of Mathematics and Computer Science, Universidade de São Paulo, São Carlos, Brazil, 1997

8.      P. Prampero and A. de Carvalho: Reconhecimento de Silhuetas de Veículos usando Combinação de Estimadores (in Portuguese). Technical Report No. 58, Institute of Mathematics and Computer Science, Universidade de São Paulo, São Carlos, Brazil, 1997

9.      E. Vargas, M. Alvarez and A. de Carvalho: Simulador Multi-threads de Redes Neurais Ontogênicas Orientado a Objetos (in Portuguese). Technical Report No. 59, Instituto de Ciências Matemáticas de São Carlos, Universidade de São Paulo, São Carlos, Brazil, 1997.

10.  F. Melfi,  R. de Barros and A. de Carvalho: Comportamento de Evitar Obstáculo para Sistema de Navegação (in Portuguese). Technical Report No. 61, Institute of Mathematics and Computer Science, Universidade de São Paulo, São Carlos, Brazil, 1997

11.  C. Milaré and A. de Carvalho: Protótipo de um Sistema Híbrido de Raciocínio Baseado em Casos (in Portuguese). Technical Report No.  73, Institute of Mathematics and Computer Science, Universidade de São Paulo, São Carlos, Brazil, 1997.

12.  A. de Carvalho, A. Valério Netto, C. H. O. Jardim, O. C. P. Almeida and S. Salazar: Empresas de informática que surgiram a partir do meio acadêmico (in Portuguese). Technical Report No.  174, Institute of Mathematics and Computer Science, Universidade de São Paulo, São Carlos, Brazil, 2003.

13.  A. C. Lorena and A. de Carvalho: Introdução às Máquinas de Vetores de Suporte (in Portuguese). Technical Report No. 192, Institute of Mathematics and Computer Science, Universidade de São Paulo, São Carlos, Brazil, 2003.

14.  A. C. Lorena and A. de Carvalho: Introdução aos Classificadores de Margens Largas (in Portuguese). Technical Report No.  195, Institute of Mathematics and Computer Science, Universidade de São Paulo, São Carlos, Brazil, 2003.

15.  A. Lanari de Aragão and A. de Carvalho: Tecnologias para Adaptação em Hipermídia (in Portuguese). Technical Report No.  201, Institute of Mathematics and Computer Science, Universidade de São Paulo, São Carlos, Brazil, 2003.

16.  A. Lanari de Aragão and A. de Carvalho: Hipermídia Adaptive (in Portuguese). Technical Report No.  202, Institute of Mathematics and Computer Science, Universidade de São Paulo, São Carlos, Brazil, 2003.

17.  A. C. Lorena and A. de Carvalho: Utilização de Técnicas Inteligentes em Bioinformática (in Portuguese) – Using Intelligent Techniques in Bioinformatics. Technical Report No.  219, Institute of Mathematics and Computer Science, Universidade de São Paulo, São Carlos, Brazil, 2003.

18.  K. Faceli, A. de Carvalho and M. Souto: Algoritmos de Agrupamento de Dados (in Portuguese) – Data Clustering Algorithms. Technical Report No.  249, Institute of Mathematics and Computer Science, Universidade de São Paulo, São Carlos, Brazil, 2005.

19.  K. Faceli, A. de Carvalho and M. Souto: Análise de Dados de Expressão Gênica (in Portuguese) – Gene Expression Data Analysis. Technical Report No.  250, Institute of Mathematics and Computer Science, Universidade de São Paulo, São Carlos, Brazil, 2005.

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